Its going to be a long wait.They gonna assume and hope that next Russian leader will be someone like Navalny though.
With term limits frozen. Putin could theoretically be in power till 2036.
Its going to be a long wait.They gonna assume and hope that next Russian leader will be someone like Navalny though.
The delusions are increasing.
You may think they are increasing because you haven't had the misfortune of dealing with (or even noticing) their bollywood drama before... The Himalayas are a good sound barrier... But South Asians already have permanent ear damage, so we don't really notice it much anymore.
Yes. I was being generous to our member here and gave him the benefit of the doubt.A minor correction: China is five times bigger than India in terms of GDP: $14.4 trillion vs $2.9 trillion in 2019.
Russian friend or foe/aerial identification is an absolute joke. Finally they have something to challenge the Indians shooting down their own helicopter last yearFor Russian junk yes, such as submarines whose hatches don't close before submerging and helicopters that don't integrate with air defense "friend or foe"identification systems and get shot down by their own missiles.
Russia is unlikely to sell India the real stuff to challenge China, at least in the near future.
The biggest Indian delusion that is being screamed by hysterical news anchors , shouted, texted, memed, uploaded on Youtube, Yahoo, and the electronic media by various political IT cells is that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are a hoax and India should call Pakistan's bluff and invade. It is not known if this is a calculated ploy by external interests to actually have a nuclear showdown..
In retaliation for the Pakistani Stand off Weapons (SOW) attack which was in response to the Indian air strike the day before India was planning a conventional missile strike on Pakistan. When the CENTCOM got wind of the crisis they stepped in and pressured India to abort the strike. What is chilling about the whole affair is that Pakistan had learned of the impending strike and had made plans for an instant retaliation. According to reports (unconfirmed) India had planned strikes on 6 targets and Pakistan had targeted 18 sites in return. What is not known is if the Pakistanis knew the Indian strikes were to be conventional and if their response would be likewis
There was no land conflict or a war of attrition but merely a very mild tit for tat exchange of airstrikes. It was always assumed by war gamers that a nuclear conflict in an India Pakistan scenario will only happen during an expanded conventional war if Pakistan's conventional front collapses, and there is an existential threat to Pakistan. Yet the February 2019 situation escalated almost instantly. Even President Trump then in a summit with the North Korean leader in Singapore expressed his fears in the middle of a press conference.,
Subsequently the Indian defense analysts confirmed the "escalation " .
Are there any measures to prevent the escalation would go all the way?
You are 100% correct. I do watch Praveen Sawhney's videos within hours of their uploads.You should just watch Praveen Sawhney's analysis videos. He has a number of them analyzing the Feb 27 incident and the issues relating to India's escalation ladder (or the lack thereof). And he is actually a credible source, unlike the sources you're worrying about.
That's paki prime minister?
Not sure about how Urdu sounds, but the language he is talking sounds hindi.My understand of Urdu is imperfect but the gist in the video below I get the impression that the Pakistani prime minister is talking about a missile threat. He may be exaggerating though.
He is speaking in UrduNot sure about how Urdu sounds, but the language he is talking sounds hindi.
His posturing & speech is far better than china's ancient broken radio spokesperson "we firmly oppose..............".