Well India have filled up their military ranks with 'yesmen'. There are all currying favour with the Modi and the BJP to get bigger budgets. One such fool is General Rawat. He champions the two-front war strategy with Pakistan and China. A highly dangerous strategy considering the limitations of India. Maybe its just for show to get bigger budgets, or maybe its just plain old is stupidity.Couldn't agree with you more.
Yes, India's fascists are pale counterparts of their Nazi progenitors.
They are also far more corrupt. The Germans were able to achieve successes such as building the Autobahn and a robust telecommunications network because
of very accountable and financially ethical Ministries. For all his faults Albert Speer was a great minister and an outstanding engineer.
Would like to know your views on the following situations and the state of mind and delusions being propagated by the Indian media.
1. The politicization of India's military top brass. Not entirely at the Nazi level but certainly far more than previously known. Military decisions can now be taken over and above professional advice by competent military experts. This is another similarity with Nazi Germany where later in the war competent generals like Rommel and Von Paulus were sidelined in favor of SS party stalwarts. Strategic and military decisions were taken which ultimately proved disastrous to Germany. Similarly the ideological wing of the BJP which is the RSS has a large membership of ex-service personnel. So far the Indian laws ban direct membership by serving officials but that is merely a fig leaf. RSS sympathizers are numerous abd deeply embedded in the defense apparatus though they are currently balanced somewhat by the secular legacy officials.,
2. The propagation and assumptions of myths about China and its fighting capabilities.Some of these have been discussed in earlier posts. The latest being propagated by Indian media are the following:
2.1 China will never engage in ground war like in 1962 because two generations of Chinese have had a one child policy and China has a low military manpower resource unable to take casualties.
2.2. Countries high on the prosperity and quality of living index avoid ground combat for fear of casualties and China has a higher per capita income as compared to India. So China will not risk casualties whereas India can, The analogy being made is with Afghanistan where the USA was unwilling to sustain further casualties and withdrew. In short India has more manpower resources and can take casualties to fight and defeat China.,
2.3 China has no experience supporting troops at altitude and in cold weather. It cannot sustain its logistics for long. China desperately wants a border settlement with India because it cannot sustain the stand off.
In short: Now that China is on the backfoot India should press home and seize all the territories it claims. China won't fight because it can neither sustain casualties nor can it support its troops in cold weather conditions. A Chinese retreat to the Indian defined borders is inevitable.
2.4. India should press home its advantage and advance to "liberate" Tibet and advance further to "liberate " Xinjiang. Shades of 1971 East Pakistan.,
All the points you have mentioned are typical Indian Bakht delusions. Saner Indians do not have such delusions. China may be 'soft' today compared to the Cold War era. But make no mistake, China is prepared for war.
I had observed the way China responded to Covid-19. When it was still a brand new, relatively unknown virus. China mobilized everyone, the government, military, medical personnel, and the people themselves. They fought the virus in Total War mode. So much sacrifices were made, from Lunar New Year celebrations, to the country's economy itself. And China decisively defeated the 1st wave of Covid-19. This is like a rehearsal of a wartime situation in China. So if China were to be attacked by a foreign enemy, they look more than ready to stand up to the challenge.
As for those Indians, still thinking of an easy war with China. I say just let them continue getting high in their delusions. As Napoleon once said: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."