Ladakh Flash Point

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The Observer

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I fully predict India will come to the table, there will be some agreement that leaves India saving-face (claiming victory) but cede defacto control of territory to China.

Indeed. As long as the satelite watchers don't notice it, who in the right mind would want to go and check the control personally, other than military personel under orders. It's basically a cold and suffocating place to an average pleb with no gears, training and planning. Go there and you'd more likely to return in a body bag than on a triumphant throne, if you even get to get back.


Junior Member
It's pretty tough to miss-report captured Indian soldiers being returned by China...

And the logic of China having these soldiers and not releasing till Wednesday pretty clearly spells out the Chinese winning the earlier conflict. And it would follow with fewer casualties. Probably far fewer hence that quote from the Chinese FM that they did not want to compare numbers and stoke tensions.

This is going to be a real ego burn to posters on Bharat Rhakshak and others who desperately ran with anonymous sources and figures. It's also going to put pressure on Modi and bring out the BJP internet warriors to somehow spin this in a way that protects him. Tough position for India. China should be watchful should Modi act out to save face.
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