Ladakh Flash Point

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Global Times may get a bad rap as a tabloid but they very very rarely report false info. Nationalistic rants? Yes. But they don’t come up with stuff like shooting down Taiwanese F-16s without proof.

The fact that Global Times very very rarely report false info negates the label of tabloid. If anything BBC, NYT, WP etc are more prone to error without meticulously checking their sources. BTW. AP, Reuters, AFP, Epoch Times are not valid sources as they are also prone to biased substandard journalistic standards.
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Goldman Sachs in its projection on the April-June GDP data, issued a cut of 45%, while ICRA and HDFC bank predicted a 25% dip, and the SBI has predicted a dip of 16.5%. Lack of information on informal sector While the damage to the organised sector ...

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Remember, India's migrant worker population GDP is probably hit the hardest and not included.


Junior Member
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Also, one other thing to note. Hotan J-20 deployments are likely to be limited at 2, or rather, they're intended as a show of force.

Hotan happens to be within the 500 km range of a Brahmos launched from Indian airspace; i.e, in the event of an Indian alpha strike from Indian airspace Hotan would need massive, saturating air defense to keep the airport online.

That's not to say it can't be done, PL-10 ASR are capable of intercepting at least Mach 2.8 Patriots, perhaps even Mach 4 Patriots, but it's an unnecessary risk when you can just put Hotan J-20s at Urumqi.


The scenario I have, basically, is a second strike scenario; i.e, have the Indians declare victory in Ladakh, THEN come in with an overwhelming alpha strike to knock out the InAF.
You mean most of the InAF?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
He is a joker because he tells the truth as it is rather than feeding into the delusions of Indian minds.
He Steals his idea. Now Indian army sources are also not sharing information with him. That has made him frustrated,and hence he is writing anything for sake of writing.
We know from where he steals


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Reading up on India right now. India doesn't want to be like China, it wants to be India while simultaneously somehow being better than China.

It's pretty much insane, because you can see how many of their cultural attitudes are equivalent to 1200, 1800, and 1935. That is to say:

-Indians are highly religious; about 8/10 Indians in surveys say that faith is highly important to their lives. On the surface, Indians look very rationalistic and as they don't evangelize, they seem more "reasonable" than believers of Abrahamic religions. But Hinduism, like Judaism and Islam, is an "orthopraxic" religion wherein the religion is defined by observing religious practices. In India proper, there have been Hindu/ex-Hindu rationalists who got the Gandhi treatment (i.e, murdered by an ultra-nationalist).

-Indians are highly nationalistic, i.e, they have a latent belief in the superiority of their culture. It's like Chinese attitudes in 1800s, where the Qing thought they were superior to everyone else and had little interest in the rest of the world. In the Indian case, it's a love-hate relationship with the West, whose technical accomplishments they respect, but think a la Qing Self-Strengthening "Western Science, Indian Essence". The Chinese, on the other hand, are to them rat eaters and while there was opportunity for mutual cultural understanding before 1962, the Indians are too hung up about it to see what they can learn from China beyond stuff like aping SEZ (many of which ended up turning into commercial / residential establishments instead of industrial parks as they were intended) or attempting industrial policy.

-India right now resembles the RoC to a great extent, whereas China's position is now that of Empire of Japan, except that China doesn't have a population shortage as the Japanese did. The Indians, in hewing to their traditional society, also have a relatively corrupt one that isn't delivering economic or development results, and it resembles Chiang Kai-Shek in China. For instance, the Indians like to brag about the "Argumentative Indian" theses as put across by Amartya Sen, but the Chinese were quite argumentative in the RoC era and look where it got them?
Wow India is 2nd largest exporter of Beef after Brazil and you claim 8/10 are highly religious and pious. Indians like most of the people around the world, i.e greedy and selfish. Its just India lacks strength hence its masquerading as an innocent nation, which is victim of Chinese oppression. If India could, they would massacre all people of pakistan, enslave all white europeans.


New Member
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Wow India is 2nd largest exporter of Beef after Brazil and you claim 8/10 are highly religious and pious. Indians like most of the people around the world, i.e greedy and selfish. Its just India lacks strength hence its masquerading as an innocent nation, which is victim of Chinese oppression. If India could, they would massacre all people of pakistan, enslave all white europeans.
In fact, an Indian survey showed only 38-40% people said religion is very important.
People need to understand, India is s mismash of utopian culture, zootopian Faith. I wouldn't call it a religion because religion like Judaism, Islam has very distinguishable characteristics.
The reason why you would see so much wannabe nationalists in India is impact of Bollywood, mixed with Hollywood, mashed with "once upon a time a big power" story now desperately searching for that history to make it a reality. A superman, who is good Clark kent, but hey, remember I can be bad thanos if I get angry haaaaa.

It's important to understand their psyche before saying it's on their religion because they don't have one. They can't even define what it is. A life style? A dharma? Or simply a gigantic drama?
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