Ladakh Flash Point

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Registered Member
It's not "stalking" when he uses the same handle to make comments on a public forum. It's not like he's being doxxed.

No, but it gives us a clearer idea of who he is, which is pertinent information since he's technically still a moderator here. As for staying on topic, there isn't much of a topic until the rumor-storm subsides and we get credible reports of what happened.

Yeah. I for one, didn't have issues with his post. Because he is entitled to his opionos, but when he was made a MOD! My god? He was like a demi god!


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Since Global Times is the mouthpiece of the CCP, the tone of this article indicates that China is rapidly losing patience with India. If it is true that India started a firefight, China and India are now in a defacto state of war.

This is getting weirder... the indian casualties are the results of a landmine...
It seems PLA/CCP used Pangong as distraction while real objective was Galwan valley, Depsang. Meanwhile India's gone with capturing other land for bargaining. Remains to be seen whether this was always planned and expected by CCP or if they will react to Indian ingress or they simply didn't consider Indians will make this move which sort of implies CCP doesn't care as much about this part. Could even be the desired trade agreement. PLA holds Depsang and galwan valley along with pangong lake up to finger 4 while IA is given Reqin with minimal or no resistance.

All will become clear once we see how CCP reacts in coming days and weeks.

I find this all a bit puzzling, an indian army death from a landmine, a land grab nowhere near the original flashpoint, no actual confirmations of deaths or injuries (the news should have well traveled by now)

I think this inhospitable terrain is ideal training grounds to test out chinese drones and robots (especially the quadruped ones). I'm surprised we don't have more damning evidence being streamed out of the area using DJI drones. This is about as tough of an area you can have to assess drone and robotic capabilities. Might make sense to start deploying sentry turrets like the south koreans along the DMZ.


Registered Member
I don’t understand Indians on social media, they keep wanting to send army to Tibet and be able to “marry the local girls”
Reminds me of this:
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And they keep talking about getting uncle sam involved.

LOL at the very absolute best outcome (so far!) for Indians, they have managed to take a tiny portion of Reqin while they have in the past always patrolled those points up to their claims lines. So even going by 2019 standards for example, they have only regained a tiny parcel which they always supposedly held in the past anyway. Meanwhile PLA holds Galwan and Pangong. Even this supposed intrusion in Reqin is true, it may not be long lived since PLA may still act if they see a point in regaining Reqin.

Indians probably want to hold it as bargaining against Pangong and Galwan PLA held lands. The problem is those northern bits are likely to be far more important to China since that's where there are more PLA presence. It still remains to be seen whether the CCP will do anything about Reqin.

Man these Indians buy a used beaten up Mercedes and then go off as if they're the next Jeff Bezos lol. They took a small stretch in the southern part of land they used to patrol and are dreaming about taking Tibet. Bhakts truly aim very low it seems.


Registered Member
I don’t understand Indians on social media, they keep wanting to send army to Tibet and be able to “marry the local girls”
Reminds me of this:
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And they keep talking about getting uncle sam involved.
These are the thought process of barbarians. To conquer lands and to enjoy gorging on the local women. Is this the character of the "young, English-speaking demographic" that the Indians so proudly proclaim of becoming the key to overtake China and become the next superpower?


Lieutenant General
The situation is almost entirely focused on the south of Pangong Lake from the banks of finger 4's immediate southern counterpart to Reqin. India in the past always held the mountains right to the east of this southern region and they have considerably more build up and supply apparently. Focus where you are strong and attack where they are weak, using Tibetan "frontier forces". Rather clever textbook tactics but then that also means expected moves.

Since it's a predictable move to be honest so if the CCP and PLA were truly caught by surprise (assuming Indian ingress is true) then they are just simply too incompetent. Better to just back down if this is the case. More likely this is controlled and the expectation was always that the Indians will look for paths of least resistance. If this is expected and allowed to eventuate, then there may be escalation from PLA since this is the natural motivation for allowing such obvious gaps to exist and ingress to occur. Fireworks to be expected if so. If no fireworks, seems like CCP and PLA were just caught with their pants down.

Buddy, you need to calm down and not go worrying about the sky falling at every tiny issue.

Firstly the situation is very murky with a lot of Indian active fake news being spammed, so it would be falling for their BS to go making broad clams about the CCP and PLA based on their lies. Of course they are going to pain China in the worst possible light, it’s their main reason for existing apparently.

Secondly, even if we just assume for the sake of argument that the reports of India making some land grabs is correct, that doesn’t really mean anything, and is actually entirely to be expected if you think about it logically and rationally.

Its a very long boarder, with no fixed boarder posts or observation posts for the most part. Patrols are having to be done on foot and only a tiny fraction of the boarder can be monitored at any given time. You are acting like this is the Korean DMZ where every square metre is monitored 24/7 when that is absolutely not the case.

India has more troops forward deployed than China, so its pretty much a given that if they want to, they can infiltrate and occupy positions before PLA patrols can know about it. They could also actively use their local numerical superiority to their advantage by pressing at multiple points within the same PLA garrison zone knowing that initial contacts would tie down what limited manpower the PLA has in the zone to allow other groups to advance unopposed. That is about as basic a military strategy as there is to take advantage of superior numbers.

Unless China wants to match Indian boarder troop numbers, which China doesn’t want to do, then that is always a risk.

These peacetime land grabs are pretty meaningless to start with, as sitting on a feature is meaningless if the enemy can take it from you any time they want.

The key difference is that the PLA can take any India held position pretty much any time they want if the chips are down, but the Indians don’t have that option, which is why they are super precious about trying to occupy positions during peacetime, when their superior numbers count and the PLA’s war fighting dominance doesn’t come into play.
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