Ladakh Flash Point

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Also, one other thing to note. Hotan J-20 deployments are likely to be limited at 2, or rather, they're intended as a show of force.

Hotan happens to be within the 500 km range of a Brahmos launched from Indian airspace; i.e, in the event of an Indian alpha strike from Indian airspace Hotan would need massive, saturating air defense to keep the airport online.

That's not to say it can't be done, PL-10 ASR are capable of intercepting at least Mach 2.8 Patriots, perhaps even Mach 4 Patriots, but it's an unnecessary risk when you can just put Hotan J-20s at Urumqi.


The scenario I have, basically, is a second strike scenario; i.e, have the Indians declare victory in Ladakh, THEN come in with an overwhelming alpha strike to knock out the InAF.


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The latest attitude change by the Indian military is likely a result of cooperative effort with the U.S. military or observation of mounting U.S. pressure on the Eastern Chinese seaboard. Indian decision makers believe they can get more out of the deal since China is unlikely to open a second front against them.


Lieutenant General
I don't wish for conflict between India and China there is no gain in a war The 2 countries has been living in peace for millennium and exchange culture peacefully But the advance of colonialism change that equilibrium and plant the seed of today's dispute. Border should be negotiated between neighbors in spirit of give and take.China will never accept a border that is arbitrarily set by the British imperialist without her consent. And if India insists it as fait accompli then there isn't much to discuss. India should take page from Soviet Union - China border settlement . anyway China is busy reinforcing the SW border airports .Kashgar and Hotan will be the main PLAAF bases
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Lieutenant General
Also, one other thing to note. Hotan J-20 deployments are likely to be limited at 2, or rather, they're intended as a show of force.

Hotan happens to be within the 500 km range of a Brahmos launched from Indian airspace; i.e, in the event of an Indian alpha strike from Indian airspace Hotan would need massive, saturating air defense to keep the airport online.

That's not to say it can't be done, PL-10 ASR are capable of intercepting at least Mach 2.8 Patriots, perhaps even Mach 4 Patriots, but it's an unnecessary risk when you can just put Hotan J-20s at Urumqi.


The scenario I have, basically, is a second strike scenario; i.e, have the Indians declare victory in Ladakh, THEN come in with an overwhelming alpha strike to knock out the InAF.

Indian an Chinese border is heavily defended by Chinese SAM and fighter from Hotan Not sure where you get 500km for Brahmos all the literature said the range is 400 km max air launch. The distance between Hotan and Indian border is 320 km so still within range.
But that is assuming MKI 30 is not engage by Chinese SAM or fighter as soon as it cross the border.
Notice most of chinese airports Ngari, Gonggar, Xigatze, Mainling(Nyingchi) are heavily defended by SAM
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Lieutenant General
Indian an Chinese border is heavily defended by Chinese SAM and fighter from Hotan Not sure where you get 500km for Brahmos all the literature said the range is 400 km max air launch. The distance between Hotan and Indian border is 320 km so still within range.
But that is assuming MKI 30 is not engage by Chinese SAM or fighter as soon as it cross the border.
Notice most of chinese airports Ngari, Gonggar, Xigatze, Mainling(Nyingchi) are heavily defended by SAM
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400-500km are Russian versions Indian versions would be limited by MCTR to 300km.


Lieutenant General
India has nukes... Why don't they use them on China if everything is so easy for them. I'm sure the US would support them if they initiated a first strike. That's why we live in a world of consequences that they don't control. Talking is cheap. Actually doing the deed is where they pay. Anyone can make up stories like they do. If the Chinese thought like Indians, the Chinese would be laughing it up how many of their soldiers died by Chinese hands in arrogant adventurism. Most of those soldiers died from running away trying to escape through a cold river...? That's ripe for propaganda. Talk is easy and Indians need big stories to feel good in a humiliating time because that's the reality that started this latest incident. All those Indian soldiers dead from melee combat? Just think about it this way. US soldiers don't get that kind of kill ratio in melee combat. Yeah the US overall has great kill ratio in their favor. That's because it's mostly from air support. That's where most of the casualties they inflict come from. They don't talk about that because they want to make people believe it's man-to-man combat and not just sitting back while letting air support do most of the work. They're so confident they'll win against China... then do it! They have the US on their side. Why not? They talk about giving Vietnam nukes so they use them on China because they want Vietnam to suffer the consequences or they would just nuke China themselves. Only someone who thinks like that thinks India wouldn't be held responsible as if there was some law that says that. Big talk and no action to support it is India.


Registered Member
China faces the same problem with Indian nuclear weapons as America faces with North Korean nuclear weapons. The issue is that India is so worthless that even if a nuclear exchange heavily favoured China, whatever losses China suffered would still be far worse than the gain of destroying India.
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