Does it matter? Nationalistic venting and other actions for "image" are par for course. The Chinese do it, the Americans do it, the Japanese do it, and so on.
Arguing with stupid people is, well, competing in the Special Olympics. The Indians don't matter to China right now, because the military and diplomatic threat is minimal. The market is nice, true, but it's not that big a market even when compared to a single EU state, and as a Pakistani poster suggested, the Indians would have to go back to the stone age if they dropped their low-cost Chinese imports.
TBH we can just google the damned Indian news, and guess what the common refrain is? "My land! My land!" Who the hell cares about your land? This is like the primitive obsession of an agricultural farmer; the territory matters for its strategic or resource importance, but land in principle, you can see how the Indian media is appealing to Indian agriculturalists with their small farm holding that's better sold off to agribusiness.
It's an incredibly primitive obsession.
India's version of "nationalistic venting" is creating new versions of reality and promoting them tirelessly all the while turning the finger on others and jumping around like a baboon. It doesn't measure up to the same level of nationalistic venting done by others, which while often featuring elements of anger and frustration, rarely venture far from reality.
Setting the narrative straight, correcting lies, and presenting the reality, are not efforts in arguing with stupid people. By definition, there is no way to really argue or have discourse with stupid people who insist on lies. Just like I can't convince a die-hard flat earther of the truth, I cannot convince bhakts of the real situation that developed and resulted from this confrontation. But we can look at the stuff they're presenting and offer the truth when it strays too far from it. Just like correcting the Indian lie that 56 names published by CCP of fallen PLA soldiers where honest people proved the source was yet again random Indians making shit up on twitter, taking out of context images and infographics. More embarrassing for Indians is that list is of PLA Generals from the 20th century. More and more misrepresentations of the truth have come from these Indian propaganda clowns and each one debunked, shot down, or replaced with a more sober and objective view.