Nowhere did I say that the number of personnel is the main determination of military strength.
You stated that the EU was only an economic power, and that the EU needed to embrace Russia to become a military power.
I gave you some metrics on active personnel and military spending.
This illustrates the point that the EU is already a bigger military power than Russia
For example, the EU has military spending some 4x larger than Russia.
That completely blows away your argument for the EU needing Russia, if the EU wants to be a military power.
Please have a look at my posts in the Ukraine thread, where I looked at Russia-EU relations extensively.
And I am looking at 30 year timescales in the future when I say Russia will never give up its independence willingly.
Today's Russia is just the latest successor to the USSR and Imperial Russia before it.
That is over 400 years of history where the Russian sense of being a great and huge empire has been embedded into the psyche of its people and culture.
Anyway, back on topic.
Except that typical EU defense spending is around 2% of GDP, compared to 4% in Russia and 3.5% in the United States.
Moreover, the EU does not even have an alliance military. What it has is NATO, which is apart from the EU.
As far as Russian independence goes, most of the European Cold War was an attempt by Russia to capture Western Europe and move it into its sphere of influence. The prospect of Russia having the EU countries be allied or aligned with it, or Russia trying to be Primus Inter Pares in the EU, is basically the old Soviet dream come to life.
As mentioned before, the devil is in the details and it could take up to 50 years for these devils to be handled.
However, if we look at the past 10 years, Russia has moved far closer to it, even despite the Ukraine debacle. First, Britain, a key US ally, has decided to leave the EU. That's very good for Russia, because Britain is one of the things keeping them out and Britain could be viewed as an ABCA saboteur in the EU network. Brexit, likewise, was heavily supported by Russian agents.
Second, the Russians put a lot of support into getting Trump elected. Trump has done Russia the favor of completely battering American alliance ties with the EU, allowing ideas like Macron's EU-Russia partnership to get off the ground.
Basically, the Russians do not have a small power / satellite power mentality. They will not be content being little more than a Chinese or American satellite. The European choice for Russia allows Russia to be a full member, and the most powerful single member, in the 3rd most powerful economic bloc on this planet. The rewards are extremely tempting.