wow, india now will fly F-35
at this point i doubt it, US only gonna sell F35 to its ally for now, not just because the security concern due to india-russia tie, but also for the next 10year or so US wont be able to make enough to fill US and its allies demand. but for now F35 is for US/west EU/Aussie/canada/japan/SK, it need to fill those demand 1st. dont forget Saudi and other middle east country want to buy F35 too, so alot demand but low supplywow, india now will fly F-35
Lol. Normally i don't really watch stupid religion videos. But when hindus get started with history that's funny.
By popular demand, he/she/it/non-binary should be declared person non grata in this thread and be banned from here.
Wow, they are buying same masala Spicy bomb like those in last year. Or is it Spice bomb?
Nah. Sad and obvious Indian troll (obvious since years ago) is good to have around exposing Indian idiocy. He's a strawman expert and carries on with comedic levels of confabulation, denial, and distraction distraction distraction. Watch how this worm squirms and scurries from one topic to another argument, all the while lacing his sentences with clearly unfounded Indian media levels of make belief treated as gospel. Russia intervening? The same Russia that literally told India to piss off two weeks ago??![]()
Limit serious responses to Inst in two or three posts just to clear up and debunk his lies and BS after that, best to just react with laugh emoji to his posts without responding... probably better to not read it, most of those posts start off soft in Indian troll attempt to get people to sympathise and then quickly escalates to big conclusions like Pakistan is x,y,z and that's FINAL! lol it's typical hardcore bhakt nazi level stupidity with this guy once you get two or three posts deep in a "discussion" where he tells you how things are and you must agree. Usually India is pretty good and strong and a sweetheart country.
We are not here to be entertained by a Jerry Springer-esque show.Nah. Sad and obvious Indian troll (obvious since years ago) is good to have around exposing Indian idiocy. He's a strawman expert and carries on with comedic levels of confabulation, denial, and distraction distraction distraction. Watch how this worm squirms and scurries from one topic to another argument, all the while lacing his sentences with clearly unfounded Indian media levels of make belief treated as gospel. Russia intervening? The same Russia that literally told India to piss off two weeks ago??![]()
Limit serious responses to Inst in two or three posts just to clear up and debunk his lies and BS after that, best to just react with laugh emoji to his posts without responding... probably better to not read it, most of those posts start off soft in Indian troll attempt to get people to sympathise and then quickly escalates to big conclusions like Pakistan is x,y,z and that's FINAL! lol it's typical hardcore bhakt nazi level stupidity with this guy once you get two or three posts deep in a "discussion" where he tells you how things are and you must agree. Usually India is pretty good and strong and a sweetheart country.
We are not here to be entertained by a Jerry Springer-esque show.
At least not all the time like non-stop pages after pages in a row. It got to stop.