Yes yes. We get it. You miss the loving embrace of Queen Elizabeth II.
Buddy, for heaven's sake, quote Kate Middleton at least & not great grand mommmy for some Elizabeth ii, yet I forgive you your choice given your age apparently
... That's why it's important that few countries need to have access to Google to stay abreast of current reality and and live life on State/Party Sponsored links
Let's call bets on how long before this thread gets closed and the guy gets banned.
Crang, any views on Mass surveillance in China or is it closely related to its
, or has it significantly expanded under the
and with the help of local companies like
, among many others? Its sad life & unfortunate life to live under scanner and fear of Security of State...
Is it True that As of 2019, it is estimated that 200 million monitoring
of the "Skynet" system have been put to use in
, four times the number of
s...Sad state of living under surveillance all the time.
By 2020, the number of surveillance cameras in mainland China is expected to reach 626 million.
The Wuhan
has accelerated the implementation of mass surveillance as it has provided a plausible pretext to do so.
Life is Freedom of expression to say & Also the abilities to listen... So I forgive you guys & gals for using offensive language as it is an unfortunate reflection of poor upbringing. I offer peace
or am game if some of you want to continue discussion. But my aim was & is from beginning to discuss freely. Not to propagate State sponsonsred lies on social media platforms.
Bless U All