Does anyone really care about it? It's just a photo-op, everyone stages photo-ops. The only people who care are Pakistani nationalists and the Indian Congress Party who want to use it to poke fun at Modi.
For Ladakh, the next stage seems to be what the Pakistanis want to do. The best case scenario is that all three parties stand down and work on a negotiated solution over the territorial claims. More likely, what you'll see is a Chinese build-up on Arunachal Pradesh and a Pakistani build-up on Kashmir, and a possible clash started by the Pakistanis.
TBH, Kashmir as is is unstable; it's a Muslim majority territory chafing at the strains of Indian rule, with Pakistan at the border chafing for annexation. It might be better for Pakistan to simply take Kashmir and settle the suit.
Isn't in at the very least a sign of dishonesty and lack of empathy?
I mean even america out of all countries let their officials visit real patients and talk with them. India doesn't. The fake is also badly done, all the patients sitting there like they're ready to salute the leader, doesn't look like they're sick at all.