From the information so far I come to a conclusion: the mortal melee conflicts in last 2 months were typical performance of “獨走”, a Japanese term commonly used in Chinese, means "military stationed at field goes wild".
The reason of such violation was simple and passes through entire human history:
1, the capital and the frontline percieve the situation differently;
2, the civil government and the military not share same interest.
The history of "獨走" is long enough that Sun Tzu specifically instructed about it, 将在外君命有所不受, a general at field should selectively refuse order from the mornach.
Imperial Japan was the apex of such behavior, that's why the word was fixed in Japanese. The 1931 Mudken Incident was masterminded by several division-level staff officers of Kwantong Army, the troops were decieved into the fight. So was the 1932 Shanghai Incident, the motivation was simply some IJN officers could not tolerate IJA win over them.
"Field force goes wild" is easy to happen on countries with such factors:
weak central government,
long and constant conflict far from heartland,
low legitimacy state bragging ultra-nationalism & militarism to keep unity.
It is often triggered by 2 contrast motivation from the military:
an unscheduled victory to force the government make some change,
or a planned defeat to refute the attempt of change by the government.
The later one has an extremely noxious example in China's history:
In 1630-40s, the northerneast defender of Ming Empire, the Guan-Ning (Shan Hai Guan gate and Ningyuan fortress) Legions, became totally warlord-lized. Their typical trick to blackmail the court was to:
1, send an "outsider" commander to have a suicidal operation;
2, trigger the retaliate reaction from Qing army;
3, warn the court that without more money, power and asset, they may not be able to fulfill their duty
The whole thing happened in last to months just smells exactly like Guan-Ning for me.
When we talk about revoking Article 370 of Indian Constitution, we usually foucs on its hurt to kashmir people and provocation to China and Pakistan. But, a big BUT, most people seems ingored the recoil from domestic of India.
Yes, I'm talking about the North Command of Indian Army.
Being the de facto praetor of a colony is simply way way way more powerful and profitable than just another commander under supervison of civil government.
New Dehli's plan to set up a pradesh/state in Kashmir will surely reduce the power and resource of the army.
The North Command want to keep everything unchanged.
That is why I think Indian forces in Ladakh suddenly became aggressive, but clumsy.
The action was so poorly organized,
several high rank officers involved, but somehow such a difficult action of night-raid was led by a newcomer,
there was no coordination from friendlies,
the Indian command didn't know what their subordinate had done, BBC reported it earlier than Indian army made a brief to press,
the leadership had and still has no idea on how to react.
Only if it is a 獨走/front-goes-wild action, then the pattern was no longer abnormal.
What for? You may ask.
My explaination is:
by provoking Chinese, the North Command could get a predicted defeat. It would be miserable but unharmful, serves perfectly to refute the realization of Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh.
China's reaction is predictable as clockwire, so the North Command knew their sudden move would not end in missiles hit Leh. They knew they were actually not risking at all.
However, by creating conflict, the establish of civil government in J&K would be haunted. The military gave a payback to New Dehli for undermining their dominance in Kashmir.
The action was so poorly coordinated because it was meant to.
Modi and BJP have don't know how to react because that action was not taken under their instruction.
This is only my guess bases on info we have.
We can judge how accurate it is by the progress of article 370 in coming years.
If the military rule stays, that means this old trick of military vs civil works again.