Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison


Junior Member
...And this ain't counter-terrorist demo, that was shown at another camp that day, and the reason why I picked to see this camp - despite its lack of static displays (all the non-lethal gear showcased at the naval base the day before weren't there) is for this, a good demo of the C-MILES system, something that most people don't know PLA has such things.

A footnote for ya: it should be spell as "siege", what browser are you using? Or just that you didn't turn on the spellchecker?

Yes I am well noticed this is not a counter terror demo, I just have difficulty guessing the military standard English like "C-MILES"'s actual meaning... like all the other Chinese vistors to English forums.

One time I check an E-dictionary, the term "GPS" (for fun) actually give me ANOTHER answer - Gunner Positioning Sighting;

and "AAA" gives me:

Agricultural Adjustment Act
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Amateur Athletic Association
American Anthropological Association
American Arbitration Association
American Automobile Association....

and "Antiaircraft Artillery" is at the bottom

.... shows the complexity of fully mastering the abbreviation of English. lol

Edit: I also known that the position 2 is a two level building. But a "sentinel" 's job is not "go making an easy prey", I simply think in real combat, if dealing with competent enemy, the way of red team's approaching, is too risky.

Thanks for the time to explan though.
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