Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison


Noticed that this garner little attention here, though as it have been seen that, more and more stuff are shown each year, like last year they show off the Z-8F and "chinese Hummer"...

According to the news today, there'll be MILES training demonstration this time.

Tickets will be available to HK residents on next Monday, certainly I'm picking up mine (this tme 2 days, naval base on 1/5 and the other base on 2/5).

So, what in particular you guys want me to look out for on the day, then?
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Lieutenant General
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Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

Type 95G if they got it, and basically anything new :p


Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

body armor

Hmmm, I'd wish they show off those too...though so far the only time they show off those were during the Taskforce 529 stopover in Dec. 2009; my last visit of the openhouse was in 2009, and they only wore either tactical vest or webbings, think that has to do with low threat level due to Hong Kong is pretty safe a place.


Banned Idiot
Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

Hmmm, I'd wish they show off those too...though so far the only time they show off those were during the Taskforce 529 stopover in Dec. 2009; my last visit of the openhouse was in 2009, and they only wore either tactical vest or webbings, think that has to do with low threat level due to Hong Kong is pretty safe a place.


You may post in Chinese but you need to translate.

bd popeye super moderator
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Junior Member
Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

Too bad they are not the most elite units of plaa they are all in the north.


Senior Member
Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

forget the regular garrison PLAN troops, they are mostly "show troops" on a rotation.

Have the 998 Kunlun Shan LPD come over from Zhanjiang and bring couple of Z-8s and 2 LCACs and half a dozen of ZBD2000s and a company of 1st Marine brigade to put up a full amphibious assault exercise right on victorian harbor.

that would be a show....

HKSAR Government could just write a check to PLAN for fuel and expense, and for SCS fleet and marines this would just be part of an amphibious assault / urban warfare exercise.
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Junior Member
Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

with drums too lol. To bad they are on the border with india


Senior Member
Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison

with drums too lol. To bad they are on the border with india

Nah I think 998 is back in either Zhanjiang or Sanya.

Yalong wan in Sanya besides being the preimer lux resort beach in china, is also the best spot to catch the creme of PLAN.

I think the Jiangnan 4-swordsman (168-171) at least 2 054As, 998 LDP, 2 attack and 1 boomer nuclear subs, that's the creme of PLAN surface fleet, are based right there. right in the full view of any one who happens to lay on the beach sunning themselves and drinking cocanut cocktails.


Re: Upcoming Labor Day open house of PLA HK Garrison


You may post in Chinese but you need to translate.

bd popeye super moderator

Do they speak cantonese or mandarin you ask? At least, the last time I went they definately can speak cantonese, if you speak mandarin they'd actually remind you politely that they can speak cantonese - think they particularly pick those who can speak cantonese as on-site guides.

forget the regular garrison PLAN troops, they are mostly "show troops" on a rotation.

Have the 998 Kunlun Shan LPD come over from Zhanjiang and bring couple of Z-8s and 2 LCACs and half a dozen of ZBD2000s and a company of 1st Marine brigade to put up a full amphibious assault exercise right on victorian harbor.

that would be a show....

HKSAR Government could just write a check to PLAN for fuel and expense, and for SCS fleet and marines this would just be part of an amphibious assault / urban warfare exercise.

And the OPFOR are all the anti-government parties/cultists/activists "infested" in the city, turn it into"live fire drill", eh?

Alright, all joking aside the Victoria Harbour region actually have no place for amphibious vehicles to come ashore, all shores have been elevated and reinforced against if you talk about heliborne assault, there're a few open areas / parks / basketball courts / bus terminus can be used for that, with airspace wide enough for Mi-171 or Z-8 to operate...

Back to topic...

According to the announcement, the itinery for the 3 camps - the counter-terrorist and MILES demonstrations will be on 2/5 at 2 seperate camps, so I kinda at a split here for there's only time to visit one, not both.

So can you guys help me to "toss-a-coin" on this one?
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