Who is this bunny and what does it have to do with Korean war?
The rabbit comes from a popular comic/animation series called "那年那兔那些事儿", or "Year Hare Affair" or sometimes just "That Hare" which retells recent Chinese history and depicts different countries as animals, with China being rabbit, Soviet Union/Russia being bear, US being bald eagle etc. It features many episodes on the Korean War including events such as Battle of Chosin Reservoir, Battle of Triangle Hill and so on.Who is this bunny and what does it have to do with Korean war?
Doesn’t hurt that historically speaking it’s a stretch at best. The US and I might add the PRC gave funds and arms to a wide number of groups fighting the Soviets the CIA via Pakistan.Some of the episodes have also been uploaded by people onto Youtube, but I noticed scenes such as CIA support of Bin Laden during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan have been removed to avoid being delisted.
Doesn’t hurt that historically speaking it’s a stretch at best. The US and I might add the PRC gave funds and arms to a wide number of groups fighting the Soviets the CIA via Pakistan.
OBL was at the time an upstart, basically a rich Saudi kid (He was 24 at the time he moved to join so I am using the term loosely) looking for adventure in the wild east. With no experience no name recognition to claim that the CIA picked him as opposed to more established local fighters and groups? Particularly since the funds were being channeled via the Pakistanis.
Both the CIA and OBL denied such allegations repeatedly for what its worth.
So let’s forget the cute propaganda plushies and get back to serious history.
Hi weig2000,This is a documentary piece from Arirang on the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. Arirang is a South Korea television channel. It gives a Korean perspective on the famous battle.
Almost right out of the gate, it repeated the myth of Chinese PVA "human waves" and exaggerated that the Chinese outnumbered the US forces 10:1 or even much larger as it was found after the battle, so it claimed. For the record, the Chinese PVA 9th Army fought the battle. The 9th Army had three corps: the 20th, the 26th, and the 27th, total strength at about 150,000. The 26th Crop was put as reserves and was largely late for much of the battle. The committed strength from the Chinese side was about 120,000. The UN forces side included the US X Corps and ROK 1 Corps, totaling at about 100,000, but only 30,000 committed to the battle, with the US 1st Marine Division about 20,000 strong at the core. So the ratio was 4:1 to favor the Chinese PVA, nothing even close to what the documentary asserted.
It's a decent documentary overall. If I could summarize it: "we were so outnumbered, the weather was so damn freezing cold, and the evacuation at Hungnam port was such a humanitarian miracle." It contains some detailed and graphic descriptions of the cold and the frostbites suffered by soldiers from both sides.
The ROC military and political leadership was riddled with corruption, internal strife, and just absolutely garbage leadership while the PRC and PVA was led by a competent, unified, and clean leadership. There is a reason why the ROC is holed up on an island while licking every foreigner's boot.Hi weig2000,
The contrast between the Chinese performance in the Korean War and the one in the Chinese -Japanese war is mind boggling. The former we fought to a stalemate a superpower and ill equip at that, while the latter being defeated by a 3rd rate power.with heavy military support from the US. What the heck happen!!!!!
Hi LawLeadsToPeace,The ROC military and political leadership was riddled with corruption, internal strife, and just absolutely garbage leadership while the PRC and PVA was led by a competent, unified, and clean leadership. There is a reason why the ROC is holed up on an island while licking every foreigner's boot.