JH-7/JH-7A/JH-7B Thread


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

during the desert shield, USAF emrgency transfer two squadron of F-15D to saude AF,the aircraft unlike the USAF standard version ,the ALQ-128 jammer was deleted from saude AF.
the antenna is located in tail fin.


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Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Ähhhh ... and what's the point here in the JH-7-discussion ???

Deino :confused:


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Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Anyone know anything about this ?

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Found it here:

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Apr.16 (China Defense Mashup Reporting by Johnathan Weng) - "China Defense Mashup" has reported a video news of an unknown electronic jammer carried by JH-7A fighters, which are from the 27th regiment (Location: Ledong Airport, Hainan Province) of 9th air division of PLA navy Southern Fleet aviation troops.

Now we have a larger and clearer image of the jammer. Now we have a larger and clearer image of the jammer. In this image, the most interesting part is the gradient belly devices under the jammer. Besides, the detailed type and performance of this jammer are still unknown.
yeah, clearly mashup has no clue what they are talking about, that's clearly a JH-7, not sure if the 9th division has JH-7 and JH-7A, but we don't know if this really is from Hainan, since the article hasn't shown much credibility so far.


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread



  文章称,中国军事现代化每年开支超过600亿美元,其最终目的是将军力投射到远远超过边境之外的地方。为了不惊扰其邻国,中国一如既往的采取了 谨慎的行事作风。与美国不同,在与其他国家打交道的时候,中国也不习惯向其他国家施加压力,如果有的话,也只是在一旁发出警告。然而,除了这些警告之外, 中国也日益成为一个越来越强大的军事国家,暗示将发展首个航母战斗群的计划。美国拥有12个航母战斗群,所以中国在拥有与美国相当的常规军力之前,还有一 条很漫长的路要走。

  文章称,在决定建造航母战斗群的同时,中国还决定恢复JH-7战机的生产线。其计划生产170架JH-7战机。首架JH-7战机与上世纪九十年 代问世。该型战机的生产商陕西西安飞机制造公司在生产WS9发动机时遇到了困难,所以这种飞机只取得了有限的成功。WS9发动机是英国劳斯莱斯"斯贝"发 动机的中国版,西安飞机制造公司获得了生产这种发动机的许可证。

  文章称,中国正在计划再生产一批JH-7战机。其引用美国《国防新闻》的报道称,英国的劳斯莱斯公司与法国的斯奈克玛(Snecma)公司可能 会为这种战机提供发动机。据法国斯奈格马公司总裁吉恩·保罗·贝夏表示,法国萨弗朗公司一直就将由该公司研制的M53发动机安装到JH-7战机的变型机上 进行谈判。法国幻影-2000战机就配备有M53发动机。另外一位熟悉亚洲市场的斯奈格马公司官员也表示,法国公司与中国目前的讨论集中在将JH-7战机 目前配备的发动机更换为"更强大的"M53发动机的技术可行性。

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,一位中国官员称中国正在建造JH-7。这位官员表示,中国海军航空兵正在采购JH-7战机,将JH-7战机引入 海军海军航空兵,会提高部队的作战能力。还有一位欧洲实业家也称,中国海军航空兵会采购50至70架JH-7战机,解放军空军可能会采购约100架JH- 7战机。其中一些飞机将是JH-7战机的升级版机型,被命名为JH-7A战机。文章称,JH-7战机是一种双座、双发动机攻击机,中国海军海军航空兵列装 了有限的这种机型。其引用《国防新闻》的报道称,海军JH-7战机配备有防区外反舰导弹,主要负责承担海上打击任务。

  文章指出,除法国斯奈格马公司之外,中国官员还就"斯贝"MK202发动机,与英国劳斯莱斯公司接触。据国防新闻的报道称,根据中英双方于上世 纪七十年代达成的一项协议,劳斯莱斯公司曾为中国提供过十几台"斯贝"发动机,西安航空动力控制公司根据生产许可证生产"斯贝"发动机的中国版本 --WS9发动机。目前中国与英国公司的讨论集中在"劳斯莱斯公司进一步为西安提供生产WS9发动机提供支持与零部件"的问题之上。劳斯莱斯公司可能会为 中国提供一些完整的二手"贝斯"发动机。文章称,英国劳斯莱斯公司发言人加里·阿特金斯表示,劳斯莱斯公司与中国有着长期的关系。在提到中国斯贝/WS9 发动机的时候,阿特金斯表示,自从中国引入第一批发动机并获得相关生产技术至今,劳斯莱斯公司便一直在许多方面支持这一项目。

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,中国仍是欧盟武器禁运的目标(虽然这仅限于武器与完整的武器系统),所以向中国出售军事装备仍存在相当大的政治 敏感性。国防新闻报道引述一位法国斯奈格马公司官员的话称,由于公司与中方的讨论仅限于技术层面,所以其并没有寻求法国政府的批准。这位官员还表示,一旦 启动商业谈判,斯奈格马公司将首先向法国政府提出出口申请。这位斯奈格马公司官员表示,因为欧盟自1989年至今一直对中国施行武器禁运,所以就出现了一 个微妙的局面。任何将这类发动机出口到中国的出口合约都必须遵守欧盟武器出口行为守则。他还表示,中国可能原本希望在2004年至2006年间为JH-7 战机引入新的发动机。其至少会坚持获得M53发动机的全面维护与维修能力。在最理想的情况下,中国想要"在十年或十五年的时间里,逐步实现80%自主

  建造 M53发动机的能力。"(春风)

report that SNECMA is currently negotiating with China to power JH-7A with M-53 jet engine.
Is there any data for M-53 engine,her total thrust,T:W ratio.


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Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread



  文章称,中国军事现代化每年开支超过600亿美元,其最终目的是将军力投射到远远超过边境之外的地方。为了不惊扰其邻国,中国一如既往的采取了 谨慎的行事作风。与美国不同,在与其他国家打交道的时候,中国也不习惯向其他国家施加压力,如果有的话,也只是在一旁发出警告。然而,除了这些警告之外, 中国也日益成为一个越来越强大的军事国家,暗示将发展首个航母战斗群的计划。美国拥有12个航母战斗群,所以中国在拥有与美国相当的常规军力之前,还有一 条很漫长的路要走。

  文章称,在决定建造航母战斗群的同时,中国还决定恢复JH-7战机的生产线。其计划生产170架JH-7战机。首架JH-7战机与上世纪九十年 代问世。该型战机的生产商陕西西安飞机制造公司在生产WS9发动机时遇到了困难,所以这种飞机只取得了有限的成功。WS9发动机是英国劳斯莱斯"斯贝"发 动机的中国版,西安飞机制造公司获得了生产这种发动机的许可证。

  文章称,中国正在计划再生产一批JH-7战机。其引用美国《国防新闻》的报道称,英国的劳斯莱斯公司与法国的斯奈克玛(Snecma)公司可能 会为这种战机提供发动机。据法国斯奈格马公司总裁吉恩·保罗·贝夏表示,法国萨弗朗公司一直就将由该公司研制的M53发动机安装到JH-7战机的变型机上 进行谈判。法国幻影-2000战机就配备有M53发动机。另外一位熟悉亚洲市场的斯奈格马公司官员也表示,法国公司与中国目前的讨论集中在将JH-7战机 目前配备的发动机更换为"更强大的"M53发动机的技术可行性。

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,一位中国官员称中国正在建造JH-7。这位官员表示,中国海军航空兵正在采购JH-7战机,将JH-7战机引入 海军海军航空兵,会提高部队的作战能力。还有一位欧洲实业家也称,中国海军航空兵会采购50至70架JH-7战机,解放军空军可能会采购约100架JH- 7战机。其中一些飞机将是JH-7战机的升级版机型,被命名为JH-7A战机。文章称,JH-7战机是一种双座、双发动机攻击机,中国海军海军航空兵列装 了有限的这种机型。其引用《国防新闻》的报道称,海军JH-7战机配备有防区外反舰导弹,主要负责承担海上打击任务。

  文章指出,除法国斯奈格马公司之外,中国官员还就"斯贝"MK202发动机,与英国劳斯莱斯公司接触。据国防新闻的报道称,根据中英双方于上世 纪七十年代达成的一项协议,劳斯莱斯公司曾为中国提供过十几台"斯贝"发动机,西安航空动力控制公司根据生产许可证生产"斯贝"发动机的中国版本 --WS9发动机。目前中国与英国公司的讨论集中在"劳斯莱斯公司进一步为西安提供生产WS9发动机提供支持与零部件"的问题之上。劳斯莱斯公司可能会为 中国提供一些完整的二手"贝斯"发动机。文章称,英国劳斯莱斯公司发言人加里·阿特金斯表示,劳斯莱斯公司与中国有着长期的关系。在提到中国斯贝/WS9 发动机的时候,阿特金斯表示,自从中国引入第一批发动机并获得相关生产技术至今,劳斯莱斯公司便一直在许多方面支持这一项目。

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,中国仍是欧盟武器禁运的目标(虽然这仅限于武器与完整的武器系统),所以向中国出售军事装备仍存在相当大的政治 敏感性。国防新闻报道引述一位法国斯奈格马公司官员的话称,由于公司与中方的讨论仅限于技术层面,所以其并没有寻求法国政府的批准。这位官员还表示,一旦 启动商业谈判,斯奈格马公司将首先向法国政府提出出口申请。这位斯奈格马公司官员表示,因为欧盟自1989年至今一直对中国施行武器禁运,所以就出现了一 个微妙的局面。任何将这类发动机出口到中国的出口合约都必须遵守欧盟武器出口行为守则。他还表示,中国可能原本希望在2004年至2006年间为JH-7 战机引入新的发动机。其至少会坚持获得M53发动机的全面维护与维修能力。在最理想的情况下,中国想要"在十年或十五年的时间里,逐步实现80%自主

  建造 M53发动机的能力。"(春风)

report that SNECMA is currently negotiating with China to power JH-7A with M-53 jet engine.
Is there any data for M-53 engine,her total thrust,T:W ratio.

yeah, I saw this article on google news this morning, looks like this was written a while ago and it's been proven to be true since. With China purchasing a lot of JH-7A using WS-9.


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

6.5 T:W ratio,the engine is basically very old design.according to aviation week,article,it refer M-53 (like RD-33) as a turbojet.
SNECMA do offer to redesign the engine,with much more powerful thrust than the original M-53P-2
ironic,back in the 70's China sound out to french to purchase M-53 engine but flatly refuse by the french government.
Last edited:


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

report that SNECMA is currently negotiating with China to power JH-7A with M-53 jet engine.
Is there any data for M-53 engine,her total thrust,T:W ratio.

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The M53 has been around for a while, same engine as the Mirage 2000. At least now all the complains about the JH-7A being under powered can be put to rest now. But can anybody translate the article though?


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

According to source of Pakistan, China will build 170 upgraded JH-7, both Rolls-Royce and SNECMA are competing for the powerplants contract.

  文章称,中国军事现代化每年开支超过600亿美元,其最终目的是将军力投射到远远超过边境之外的地方。 为了不惊扰其邻国,中国一如既往的采取了 谨慎的行事作风。与美国不同,在与其他国家打交道的时候,中国也不习惯向其他国家施加压力,如果有的话,也 只是在一旁发出警告。然而,除了这些警告之外, 中国也日益成为一个越来越强大的军事国家,暗示将发展首个航母战斗群的计划。美国拥有12个航母战斗群,所 以中国在拥有与美国相当的常规军力之前,还有一 条很漫长的路要走。

  文章称,在决定建造航母战斗群的同时,中国还决定恢复JH-7战机的生产线。其计划生产170架JH-7战机。首架JH-7战机与上世纪九十年 代问世。该型战机的生产商陕西西安飞机制造公司在生产WS9发动机时遇到了困难,所以这种飞机只取得了有限 的成功。WS9发动机是英国劳斯莱斯"斯贝"发 动机的中国版,西安飞机制造公司获得了生产这种发动机的许可证。
It said, besides the decision to build CV battle group, China also decides to resume the JH-7 line…The AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry(group) experienced some difficulties in producing the WS9 (Chinese Spey).

  文章称,中国正在计划再生产一批JH-7战机。其引用美国《国防新闻》的报道称,英国的劳斯莱斯公司与法国的斯奈克玛(Snecma) 公司可能 会为这种战机提供发动机。据法国斯奈格马公司总裁吉恩•保罗•贝夏表示,法国萨弗朗公司一直就将由该公司研 制的M53发动机安装到JH-7战机的变型机上 进行谈判。法国幻影-2000战机就配备有M53发动机。另外一位熟悉亚洲市场的斯奈格马公司官员也表示,法国公司与中国目前的 讨论集中在将JH-7战机 目前配备的发动机更换为"更强大的"M53发动机的技术可行性。
Rolls-Royce or SNECMA may provide powerplants for the new JH-7, French SNECMA /SAFRAN has been talking with China about the possibility of installing a more powerful version of M53 to the JH-7 variation.

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,一位中国官员称中国正在建造JH-7。这位官员表示,中国海军航空兵正在采购JH-7战机,将JH-7战机引入 海军海军航空兵,会提高部队的作战能力。还有一位欧洲实业家也称,中国海军航空兵会采购50至 70架JH-7战机,解放军空军可能会采购约100架JH- 7战机。其中一些飞机将是JH-7战机的升级版机型,被命名为JH-7A战机。文章称,JH-7战机是一种双座、双发动机攻击机,中国海军海军航空兵列装 了有限的这种机型。其引用《国防新闻》的报道称,海军JH-7战机配备有防区外反舰导弹,主要负责承担海上打击任务。
The report quoted Defense News that PLA Navy is going to purchase 50-70 JH-7, while PLAAF will buy 100. Part of the batch will be the upgraded version, and the Navy version will be fitted with stand-off antiship missles.

  文章指出,除法国斯奈格马公司之外,中国官员还就"斯贝"MK202发动机,与英国劳斯莱斯公司接触。 据国防新闻的报道称,根据中英双方于上世 纪七十年代达成的一项协议,劳斯莱斯公司曾为中国提供过十几台"斯贝"发动机,西安航空动力控制公司根据生 产许可证生产"斯贝"发动机的中国版本 --WS9发动机。目前中国与英国公司的讨论集中在"劳斯莱斯公司进一步为西安提供生产WS9发动机提供支持与 零部件"的问题之上。劳斯莱斯公司可能会为 中国提供一些完整的二手"贝斯"发动机。文章称,英国劳斯莱斯公司发言人加里•阿特金斯表示,劳斯莱斯公司 与中国有着长期的关系。在提到中国斯贝/WS9 发动机的时候,阿特金斯表示,自从中国引入第一批发动机并获得相关生产技术至今,劳斯莱斯公司便一直在许多 方面支持这一项目。
Besides M53, Chinese also talk with Rolls-Royce for Spey MK202…to support the production and components of WS9, and may supply some second hand spey to china too.

  文章引用《国防新闻》的报道称,中国仍是欧盟武器禁运的目标(虽然这仅限于武器与完整的武器系统),所 以向中国出售军事装备仍存在相当大的政治 敏感性。国防新闻报道引述一位法国斯奈格马公司官员的话称,由于公司与中方的讨论仅限于技术层面,所以其并 没有寻求法国政府的批准。这位官员还表示,一旦 启动商业谈判,斯奈格马公司将首先向法国政府提出出口申请。这位斯奈格马公司官员表示,因为欧盟自1989 年至今一直对中国施行武器禁运,所以就出现了一 个微妙的局面。任何将这类发动机出口到中国的出口合约都必须遵守欧盟武器出口行为守则。他还表示,中国可能 原本希望在2004年至2006年间为JH-7 战机引入新的发动机。其至少会坚持获得M53发动机的全面维护与维修能力。在最理想的情况下,中国想要"在 十年或十五年的时间里,逐步实现80%自主
…embargo…sensitivity…governmental approval…blablabla…
China originally planned to buy new powerplants for JH-7 or at least acquire full maintainance/service capability of M53 within 2004-2006. Ideally, China would like to become 80% independence within 10-15 years.


Just Hatched
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Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

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China revives production of JH-7 strike aircraftPublished:
Jun 08, 2009

China is now spending upwards of $ 60 billion a year to modernise its military, with the eventual aim of giving it power-projection capability far beyond its borders. In typical fashion, however, Beijing is not rushing pell mell into this endeavour, but is proceeding with due deliberation one step at a time, so as not to alarm its neighbours.

Unlike the United States, China is also not given to throwing its weight about in its dealings with other countries and tends to err, if anything, on the side of caution. Such caveats aside, however, the fact remains that China is becoming stronger and stronger militarily with each passing year and recently announced plans to build its first aircraft carrier battle group. The US has 12 such battle groups, so its going to be a long time before China achieves conventional military parity with America.

Such larger issues aside, China has, meanwhile, decided to revive production of its JH-7 strike aircraft. British and French engine manufacturers are vying with each other to provide China with engine technology to support the potential additional production of 170 upgraded JH-7s.

First produced in the mid-1990s, the JH-7 met with limited success because the aircraft maker, Xian Aircraft Co., Xian, Shaanxi, China, experienced difficulties in manufacturing the powerplant, the WS9 turbofan engine. The WS9 is a version of the Rolls Royce Spey Mk202 that the company builds under licence.

A report in the American weekly military journal Defence News quoted industrial and government sources as saying that China is now planning additional production of the JH-7. According to the report, discussions have been going on with Rolls Royce plc, London, and France¡¯s Societe Nationale d’Etude et de Construction de Monteurs d’Aviation (Snecma), to build engines for the attack aircraft.

Jean-Paul Bechat, president of Snecma, was quoted as saying that his company was having regular discussions with the Chinese authorities about the possibility of fitting the M53 engine to a variant of the JH-7 aircraft. The M53 powers the French Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft.

Another Snecma official familiar with the Asian market was quoted as saying that discussions with China had so far centred on the technical feasibility of replacing the JH-7's existing engine with the lightly more powerful M53.

A Chinese official was quoted as saying that China is building the JH-7. He said the Chinese Navy's aviation arm is is buying the JH-7. Bringing the JH-7 into widespread service within the Naval Air Force would boost the service's capabilities, the Chinese official was quoted as saying.

A European industrialist was quoted as saying that the People's Liberation Army's Naval Air Force could produce an additional 50 to 70 aircraft, and the PLA Air Force may purchase some 100 planes. Some of the planes to be built will be improved variants of the aircraft, dubbed the JH-7A.

The JH-7, a two-seat, twin-engine, attack aircraft, is in limited service with the Naval Air Force. According to the Defence News report, the naval JH-7 is equipped with standoff anti-ship missiles and would be used primarily for maritime strike missions.

In addition to talks with Snecma, Chinese officials are also discussing the Spey Mk202 with Rolls Royce. Under the terms of a deal concluded in the late 1970s, Rolls Royce has provided several dozen Spey engines to China, with the intention that the Xian Aero-engine Co. was to manufacture the engine under licence as the WS9, says the Defence News report.

A source was quoted as saying that discussions with the British company now focus on Rolls Royce providing further support and sub-components to Xian to support a production run of the WS9. Rolls Royce may also provide a number of additional complete second-hand Spey engines. The have a long standing relationship with China,?Gary Atkins, a Rolls Royce spokesman, was quoted as saying.

With regard to the Chinese Spey/WS9, Atkins was quoted as saying, the have been supporting this project in a number of ways, ever since China acquired a batch along with the manufacturing technology.

According to the Defence News report, there remains considerable political sensitivity surrounding the sale of military equipment to China, which remains subject to a European Union arms embargo, though this covers only weaponry and complete weapons systems.

The Snecma official was quoted as saying that since the discussions with Chinese officials had so far been of a technical nature, his company had not sought approval from the French government. He added, however, that if business discussions get underway, Snecma would first have to get French government approval for any sale.

"It's a delicate situation because the European Union imposed an embargo on military exports to China in 1989 which is still in place," the Snecma official said. He said that any export contracts for this type of engine to China would also have to go through the European Union's code of conduct for arms exports regulations.

The official said that it was likely that China would want to put new engines on the JH-7 in the 2004-2006 time frame, but that these dates were not fixed. China would insist on at least having full repair and maintenance capacity for these engines, he said. Ideally, what they would want step by step to reach 80 per cent capacity of building the M53 engine themselves, 10 or 15 years down the road.

Meanwhile, in another development, Russia and China have clinched a deal to have more Su-27SK fighters assembled at a Chinese aviation plant for China's Air Force.

The $ 1.4 billion deal involves a contract for the fighters to be assembled at the Shenyang Aircraft Making Factory in Shenyang, Liaoning province.The contract was signed by Chinese defence officials and managers of Russia's chief arms exporter, Rosvoorouzhenie.

It is not known how many Su-27SK fighters will be assembled under the deal, but the contract reportedly bans the Chinese from exporting any of these jets.

A press report said that Ivan Skrylnik, spokesman for Rosvoorouzhenie, refused to give details about the deal, as did Yuri Chervakov, spokesman for AVPK Sukjoi, which develops and manufactures Sukhoi fighters. Both companies are based in Moscow.

The Russian government was said to have welcomed the cash deal as it would inject liquidity into Russia's defence industry and keep employees of AVPK Sukhoi and its subcontractors busy for years.

The SU-27SK is an export version of the Russian Air Force's basic SU-27. The SU-27SK began production in 1991. It has a maximum range of 3,680 kilometres, a maximum speed of 2,125 kilometres per hour and can carry up to eight air-to-air missiles.

Though described by Rosvoorouzhenie as an advanced aircraft, the Su-27SK is today not quite in the same class more advanced models, such as the French-made Mirage 2000-5s or modified F-16s operated by the Taiwanese and Japanese air forces, respectively, according to Konstantin Makienko. Deputy head of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) in Moscow.

Paradoxically, the fact that the Su-27SK is inferior to the Mirage 2000-5 and even Sukhoi's own Su-30MKK fighter could turn into a positive development for AVPK Sukho, Makienko was quoted as saying.

Sooner or later the Chinese will have to upgrade these planes to modern requirements, such as the ability to attack ground targets. This means that Sukho will sign new deals to carry out these upgrades,?Makienko was quoted as saying.

Russia and China concluded a $ 2 billion deal in 1996 to have the Shenyang Aircraft Making Factory assemble 200 Su-27SKs from kits provided by AVPK Sukhoi's Komsomolsk-om-Amur Aviation Production Association, according to CAST figures. China also signed a deal in 1990 to procure 20 Su-27SKs and four Su-27UBK combat/training fighters.

In another development, a group of Chinese officials visited Moscow in August 2000 to negotiate the purchase of Russian-built A-50 early warning aircraft. The visit came in the wake of the failure of a similar deal between Beijing and Israel for Phalcon early warning aircraft.

The talks focused on an advanced version of Russia's A-50 early warning and control aircraft, dubbed A-50E, for which the Scientific Production Corporation's Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering (MNIIP) has already developed an advanced radar system.

An MNIIP official was quoted as saying that the Chinese were interested in buying several A-50E aircraft.

The Chinese became interested in buying the A-50E in the autumn of 2000 after then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Baruk sent a letter to then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin in July that year informing him of the Israeli decision to back out of the $ 250 million Phalcon sale.

Barak's decision, which was prompted by heavy American pressure to kill the deal, was made during the US-sponsored peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders at Camp David in July 2000.


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Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

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China revives production of JH-7 strike aircraftPublished:
Jun 08, 2009

China is now spending upwards of $ 60 billion a year to modernise its military, with the eventual aim of giving it power-projection capability far beyond its borders. In typical fashion, however, Beijing is not rushing pell mell into this endeavour, but is proceeding with due deliberation one step at a time, so as not to alarm its neighbours.

Unlike the United States, China is also not given to throwing its weight about in its dealings with other countries and tends to err, if anything, on the side of caution. Such caveats aside, however, the fact remains that China is becoming stronger and stronger militarily with each passing year and recently announced plans to build its first aircraft carrier battle group. The US has 12 such battle groups, so its going to be a long time before China achieves conventional military parity with America.

Such larger issues aside, China has, meanwhile, decided to revive production of its JH-7 strike aircraft. British and French engine manufacturers are vying with each other to provide China with engine technology to support the potential additional production of 170 upgraded JH-7s.

First produced in the mid-1990s, the JH-7 met with limited success because the aircraft maker, Xian Aircraft Co., Xian, Shaanxi, China, experienced difficulties in manufacturing the powerplant, the WS9 turbofan engine. The WS9 is a version of the Rolls Royce Spey Mk202 that the company builds under licence.

A report in the American weekly military journal Defence News quoted industrial and government sources as saying that China is now planning additional production of the JH-7. According to the report, discussions have been going on with Rolls Royce plc, London, and France¡¯s Societe Nationale d’Etude et de Construction de Monteurs d’Aviation (Snecma), to build engines for the attack aircraft.

Jean-Paul Bechat, president of Snecma, was quoted as saying that his company was having regular discussions with the Chinese authorities about the possibility of fitting the M53 engine to a variant of the JH-7 aircraft. The M53 powers the French Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft.

Another Snecma official familiar with the Asian market was quoted as saying that discussions with China had so far centred on the technical feasibility of replacing the JH-7's existing engine with the lightly more powerful M53.

A Chinese official was quoted as saying that China is building the JH-7. He said the Chinese Navy's aviation arm is is buying the JH-7. Bringing the JH-7 into widespread service within the Naval Air Force would boost the service's capabilities, the Chinese official was quoted as saying.

A European industrialist was quoted as saying that the People's Liberation Army's Naval Air Force could produce an additional 50 to 70 aircraft, and the PLA Air Force may purchase some 100 planes. Some of the planes to be built will be improved variants of the aircraft, dubbed the JH-7A.

The JH-7, a two-seat, twin-engine, attack aircraft, is in limited service with the Naval Air Force. According to the Defence News report, the naval JH-7 is equipped with standoff anti-ship missiles and would be used primarily for maritime strike missions.

In addition to talks with Snecma, Chinese officials are also discussing the Spey Mk202 with Rolls Royce. Under the terms of a deal concluded in the late 1970s, Rolls Royce has provided several dozen Spey engines to China, with the intention that the Xian Aero-engine Co. was to manufacture the engine under licence as the WS9, says the Defence News report.

A source was quoted as saying that discussions with the British company now focus on Rolls Royce providing further support and sub-components to Xian to support a production run of the WS9. Rolls Royce may also provide a number of additional complete second-hand Spey engines. The have a long standing relationship with China,?Gary Atkins, a Rolls Royce spokesman, was quoted as saying.

With regard to the Chinese Spey/WS9, Atkins was quoted as saying, the have been supporting this project in a number of ways, ever since China acquired a batch along with the manufacturing technology.

According to the Defence News report, there remains considerable political sensitivity surrounding the sale of military equipment to China, which remains subject to a European Union arms embargo, though this covers only weaponry and complete weapons systems.

The Snecma official was quoted as saying that since the discussions with Chinese officials had so far been of a technical nature, his company had not sought approval from the French government. He added, however, that if business discussions get underway, Snecma would first have to get French government approval for any sale.

"It's a delicate situation because the European Union imposed an embargo on military exports to China in 1989 which is still in place," the Snecma official said. He said that any export contracts for this type of engine to China would also have to go through the European Union's code of conduct for arms exports regulations.

The official said that it was likely that China would want to put new engines on the JH-7 in the 2004-2006 time frame, but that these dates were not fixed. China would insist on at least having full repair and maintenance capacity for these engines, he said. Ideally, what they would want step by step to reach 80 per cent capacity of building the M53 engine themselves, 10 or 15 years down the road.

Meanwhile, in another development, Russia and China have clinched a deal to have more Su-27SK fighters assembled at a Chinese aviation plant for China's Air Force.

The $ 1.4 billion deal involves a contract for the fighters to be assembled at the Shenyang Aircraft Making Factory in Shenyang, Liaoning province.The contract was signed by Chinese defence officials and managers of Russia's chief arms exporter, Rosvoorouzhenie.

It is not known how many Su-27SK fighters will be assembled under the deal, but the contract reportedly bans the Chinese from exporting any of these jets.

A press report said that Ivan Skrylnik, spokesman for Rosvoorouzhenie, refused to give details about the deal, as did Yuri Chervakov, spokesman for AVPK Sukjoi, which develops and manufactures Sukhoi fighters. Both companies are based in Moscow.

The Russian government was said to have welcomed the cash deal as it would inject liquidity into Russia's defence industry and keep employees of AVPK Sukhoi and its subcontractors busy for years.

The SU-27SK is an export version of the Russian Air Force's basic SU-27. The SU-27SK began production in 1991. It has a maximum range of 3,680 kilometres, a maximum speed of 2,125 kilometres per hour and can carry up to eight air-to-air missiles.

Though described by Rosvoorouzhenie as an advanced aircraft, the Su-27SK is today not quite in the same class more advanced models, such as the French-made Mirage 2000-5s or modified F-16s operated by the Taiwanese and Japanese air forces, respectively, according to Konstantin Makienko. Deputy head of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) in Moscow.

Paradoxically, the fact that the Su-27SK is inferior to the Mirage 2000-5 and even Sukhoi's own Su-30MKK fighter could turn into a positive development for AVPK Sukho, Makienko was quoted as saying.

Sooner or later the Chinese will have to upgrade these planes to modern requirements, such as the ability to attack ground targets. This means that Sukho will sign new deals to carry out these upgrades,?Makienko was quoted as saying.

Russia and China concluded a $ 2 billion deal in 1996 to have the Shenyang Aircraft Making Factory assemble 200 Su-27SKs from kits provided by AVPK Sukhoi's Komsomolsk-om-Amur Aviation Production Association, according to CAST figures. China also signed a deal in 1990 to procure 20 Su-27SKs and four Su-27UBK combat/training fighters.

In another development, a group of Chinese officials visited Moscow in August 2000 to negotiate the purchase of Russian-built A-50 early warning aircraft. The visit came in the wake of the failure of a similar deal between Beijing and Israel for Phalcon early warning aircraft.

The talks focused on an advanced version of Russia's A-50 early warning and control aircraft, dubbed A-50E, for which the Scientific Production Corporation's Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering (MNIIP) has already developed an advanced radar system.

An MNIIP official was quoted as saying that the Chinese were interested in buying several A-50E aircraft.

The Chinese became interested in buying the A-50E in the autumn of 2000 after then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Baruk sent a letter to then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin in July that year informing him of the Israeli decision to back out of the $ 250 million Phalcon sale.

Barak's decision, which was prompted by heavy American pressure to kill the deal, was made during the US-sponsored peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders at Camp David in July 2000.

yeah, this was the original article. It's clearly written from a long time ago. As I saw, most of the stuff in there has already happened. We probably have 200 JH-7 series aircrafts now.