Henri K take on the new JF 17B
The last week of April in China is resolutely rich in new events. Indeed, after the successful launch of the second aircraft carrier on Wednesday 26 and the success of the first orbital refueling between two Chinese spacecraft the next day, the AVIC aircraft manufacturer successfully flying the two-seater version of its fully dedicated fighter
FC-1 On export, christened the Chinese side
FC-1B and the
JF-17B on the Pakistan side.
This first flight is attended live by the Chinese technical teams and the Pakistani customers. After 26 minutes of flight, pilot TU Jian Chuan (屠建川) landed at 11:30 am on the airfield at the Chengdu plant 132.
Registered BC0001, the symbolic pose of the first rivet of this two-seater prototype took place at the Chengdu factory exactly one year ago of the first flight, on April 27, 2016. But its model has already been exhibited at the Paris Air Show in Paris From 2013 onwards.
The Pakistani Air Force, already a customer of 250 aircraft, plans to use the FC-1B to improve the training of its pilots and better address Air-Surface missions.
The model of the FC-1B / JF-17B.
This two-seater version of FC-1 measuring 14.5 meters long and 9.5 meters wide is developed from the Block II configuration of the program. The latter includes a removable in-flight refueling boom, an improved avionics suite that includes data links with the Chinese AWACS
ZDK-03 , and a larger array of precision ammunition.
Apart from a canopy and a much longer cockpit, the FC-1B can be easily distinguished from its big brother single-seat by a larger vertical tail and modified form. New compliant windows for additional sensors, located on both sides of the front tip and also behind the right air intake, have also been added.
A photo showing the FC-1B under its yellow factory paint suggests that the utilization rate of composite materials would be increased compared to FC-1.
The development of the two-seater version makes this light fighter plane program more complete and also more attractive. After Pakistan, Burma and Nigeria also ordered. Sri Lanka has already tested the aircraft and is considering possible acquisition of the aircraft under heavy pressure from India.
Designed by the 611 Chengdu Institute, the FC-1 / JF-17 is currently in development for its Block III, including a Chinese
WS-13B engine , AESA
KLJ-7A antenna radar with a range of 170 kilometers (See our "
"), an IRST, a helmet sight (HMD), a new redundant full authority electric flight control, and new types of ammunition.