JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread

[email protected]

Junior Member
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Meanwhile 13-149


Credit: Bratva (PDF)
JF-17 (13-150)

[email protected]

Junior Member
Registered Member
Just one question regarding the serial: It starts with a "13" ... does that mean it is an 2013 founded aircraft or does this serial represent the delivery !?


Method of JF-17 serial number

Production Year-Block Number- Serial Production Number

For Example: 13-149

Production Year =13
Block Number =1
Serial Production Number =49

further below is the pic of first 16 example of JF-17 in service in PAF (note serial number 101 & 102 built in Chian)

credit SUPARCO (of PDF)

JF-17 serial of 1st Sqd. (101-116).jpg

for better resolution pic follow the link:

h t t p : / / i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r493/S-U-P-A-R-C-O/Pakistan/Pakistan%20Air%20Force/JF-17ThunderBlock-I-1.jpg~original
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Unfort the PAF has not and probably will not release the details but I think it's been confused with F-7PG

However the main and most important thing is that the pilots safe

In the one and only JF-17 crash in 2011 we lost one of the best aviators and forerunners of the JF-17 programme Squadron Leader Muhammad Hussain with him went all the knowledge too which he has accumulated on the fighter

As the operating envelope of the JF-17 fighter is expanded and is pushed and numbers rise crashes are inevitable

But the JF-17 has one of the best ejection seats in the world built by Martin Baker

asif iqbal, I was wondering if you could separate the chafe from the truth regarding the new features on the JF-17/FC-1 block II. There seems to be a tremendous amount of conflicting data on the internet. Since you have a better grasp of the specifications and facts I was hoping you could give us an update. For my benefit and the benefit of other followers of the thread.

I image much of the data is sprinkled around in this thread, but if you could consolidate it, that you be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Lieutenant General
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It's getting more and more interesting ....:p


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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Looks like 10-115 is going through plenty as a test bed aircraft for Block II

A previous picture posted here is annotated by curtesy of PDF

I hope we see the JF-17 doing an actual launch of CM-400 AKG it would be a awesome sight

Also there is news that Block II will go operational in Dec/Jan 2014/15

In addition work will start to integrate all spectrum of weapons on Block I also

Block I was basically weaponless platform Block II is the real deal and can now be marketed as a fully armed fighter

Block II has had structural strengthing, new avionics to work with ZDK-03, aerial fueling with IL-78 Midas tankers and integration with air to air air to ground and air to sea weapons, optimised maintenance provisions

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