JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread


Banned Idiot
I think it is obvious to test JF17 in this real combat environment. European tested their weapons (Tigre as example). I think we do the same with our own weapons. Whether it is really using ammo? JF17 sofar in active duty in Peshawar is only for air defense and dumb bombs. It has not the ability to use designator pods or better weapons. Since they are not risking collateral it is pretty much logic they will not gamble. The moment you get "MLU"-ed (read upgraded first 50 production JF17) or real block 2 then it is a very good plane in this scenario. But that plane would be also nice for naval warfare, BVR, COIN etc etc

My guess is that this is JF17 block 2 cockpit.

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Senior Member
JF17 sofar in active duty in Peshawar is only for air defense and dumb bombs. It has not the ability to use designator pods or better weapons.

Well you see, this is one of the biggest hurdles for selling JF-17 in international market . Pakistan advertises JF-17 as multirole platform capable of using various smart weapons . But now you are saying those currently in operational service could use only dumb bombs . What would potential buyer think ? It looks like you are selling unfinished product and since Pakistan is newcomer in the market nobody would take you seriously .

IMHO , it is better to tell the truth - we didn't integrate smart weapons but we plan to do that . It is important to have credibility . You should look up to China - instead of boasting they downplay their capabilities until they are absolutely certain they could deliver .


Banned Idiot
Well you see, this is one of the biggest hurdles for selling JF-17 in international market . Pakistan advertises JF-17 as multirole platform capable of using various smart weapons . But now you are saying those currently in operational service could use only dumb bombs . What would potential buyer think ? It looks like you are selling unfinished product and since Pakistan is newcomer in the market nobody would take you seriously .

IMHO , it is better to tell the truth - we didn't integrate smart weapons but we plan to do that . It is important to have credibility . You should look up to China - instead of boasting they downplay their capabilities until they are absolutely certain they could deliver .

I think they did not hide anything what JF17 is capable to do or will do in the next blocks. I do not think the Pakistani/Chinese are lying about JF17. It also explains why block 1 is not ordered but nations are very much interested. So the block 2 will be the first export product. It i not a hurdle but it is how these very expensive and complex products are sold.

But you do understand that the some of the capabilities block 2 has are not often seen in any other western product? Besides being pretty cheap (1/3 of comparable) it has open architecture (just give me one nation that gives you source codes!) and one can just plug and play every weapons or other hardware... Which plane has hypersonic anti naval weapon like AKG400? Or what about Ra'ad, MAR, or extended range precision strike weapons? If block 1 was a little less to compete...Block 2 is a little more then others!


Senior Member
But you do understand that the some of the capabilities block 2 has are not often seen in any other western product? Besides being pretty cheap (1/3 of comparable) it has open architecture (just give me one nation that gives you source codes!) and one can just plug and play every weapons or other hardware... Which plane has hypersonic anti naval weapon like AKG400? Or what about Ra'ad, MAR, or extended range precision strike weapons? If block 1 was a little less to compete...Block 2 is a little more then others!

Everything is fine and dandy on paper. But, there are rumors that production of block 2 has been delayed until June because of unspecified problems . As I said, Pakistan is newcomer in fighter market. You need credibility above all, and you won't get it by overblowning claims .

IMHO , problem lies in PAF's mentality. For a along time their primary concern was to deter India, so they are used to be secretive. But now they have to be completely open about their newest fighter, future backbone of whole fleet, and I think they don't like that .


Banned Idiot
Everything is fine and dandy on paper. But, there are rumors that production of block 2 has been delayed until June because of unspecified problems . As I said, Pakistan is newcomer in fighter market. You need credibility above all, and you won't get it by overblowning claims .

IMHO , problem lies in PAF's mentality. For a along time their primary concern was to deter India, so they are used to be secretive. But now they have to be completely open about their newest fighter, future backbone of whole fleet, and I think they don't like that .

"Rumors" - "unspecified problems"...

your HO is not fully correct. No nation shares real data of their fighterjets. Not even if they are only users. And one should be called lunatic if one shares info with everyone. PAF mentality is not unique. Jut go to Area 51 and we will talk again.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
To lay to rest any rumour the UK defence journal has confirmed the fast delivery next month of 13 x F16 from Jordan to Pakistan

Certainly UK defence journal is very reputable goes without saying

Correctly they have identified the total fleet as 76 units my break down is as follows

31 out of the original 40 are in operation

We got 14 used one after 9/11 and new 18 x F16 in the last few years add to that the 13 x ex- Jordanian thats 76 units in all

We are still owed 14 x MLU units from USA and we have a opition of 18 more new built F16 so we could see the fleet grow to 108 units

Here is page 9 of volume 1 issue 1 see Pakistan air force section



My guess is that this is JF17 block 2 cockpit.


I have seen this photo posted in two different thread; here and the J-10's. You claimed (guess) it's the JF-17 Block II's cockpit while it is claimed to be the J-10B's cockpit in the other thread. So, which one is more reliable? I guess it's just a simulator and that's all!


Banned Idiot
I have seen this photo posted in two different thread; here and the J-10's. You claimed (guess) it's the JF-17 Block II's cockpit while it is claimed to be the J-10B's cockpit in the other thread. So, which one is more reliable? I guess it's just a simulator and that's all!

Maybe it helps you when I say that I have flown the previous simulator, I sat in a real JF17 and I know every purza... There is no relationship between the size of the cockpit and the J10. It is 100% the old JF17 cockpit but now with the bigger and newer holographic HUD. So mr Steelbird, what is your background?