Senior Member
JThe japanese team could have deployed some sophisticated sensor gadgets monitoring seismic, climate and chemical data sending it cryptoprotected to a japanese satellite. These miniaturized and camouflaged (perhaps as a small rock) devices are very efficient and easy to deploy (just leave them behind after your ´visit behind the next bush´ ).
Eventually in the time of crisis they send real time data back to headquarters via satellite (a data base of previous monitorings will be enhanced by the most current data!) and Second Artillery's valuable mobile ICBM's are suddenly sitting ducks for a devastating surprise strike by ballistic or cruise missiles. Such a scenario would checkmate PLA's deterrent force instantly and consequently this has to be prevented by PLA under all circumstances.
I'm just curious, how would a sensor like that detect a DF-31A?
I guess if it's just a tremor sensor, it would be able to sense and probably with computer processing distinguish a heavy truck passing by.