Japanese GPS hulabaloo

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Junior Member
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

I wouldn't blame China for being extremely sensitive about this -- after all, China got burned on this once already.

Before WW-2, Japan did extensive survey in China. When war breaks out, Japan actually have more accurate map than Chinese military, and used this to outmaneuver the defending Chinese troops.

I don't blame China for being paranoid about this.


Banned Idiot
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

China needs to be MUCH MORE liberal applying jail time to foreigners. China has this historical baggage, 得罪 (offend) foreigner => invasion. I'd give the survey guys 180 days each in some Heilong Jiang prison. Toilet is a hole, and your shit freezes to brick before it hits ground.


Junior Member
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

China needs to be MUCH MORE liberal applying jail time to foreigners. China has this historical baggage, 得罪 (offend) foreigner => invasion. I'd give the survey guys 180 days each in some Heilong Jiang prison. Toilet is a hole, and your shit freezes to brick before it hits ground.

Your justification for the degree of punishment?


Banned Idiot
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

What do we need to proof, that they already programmed the data into bomb?

They obtained strategically valuable data, without permission. They were taking the data to a foreign country. 180 days is letting them off easy.


Senior Member
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

What do we need to proof, that they already programmed the data into bomb?

They obtained strategically valuable data, without permission. They were taking the data to a foreign country. 180 days is letting them off easy.

Detonating explosives is part of hunting for minerals. Using seismic sensors, they can what lies under the ground without having to dig a hole. It looks more like someone forgot that they needed an additional permit. Innocent until proven guilty, and I would not like to be the judge, jury, and executioner without all the information. :coffee:

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread over Chinese special forces. :eek:ff


Banned Idiot
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

Given what we know, they are probably already guilty under Chinese law. If you don't ask us before taking sensitive information to foreigners, we can find you're spy. I only offered my opinion what the punishment should be, never said I want to be judge and executioner (no jury in china).


Junior Member
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

Detonating explosives is part of hunting for minerals. Using seismic sensors, they can what lies under the ground without having to dig a hole. It looks more like someone forgot that they needed an additional permit. Innocent until proven guilty, and I would not like to be the judge, jury, and executioner without all the information. :coffee:

Guilt is beyond question-- they are caught red handed.
And each country has its own law and its own interpretation of the law.

And country collect sensitive intelligence like this not because there will be war, but in case of war. In the case, the damage has already been done, intentionally nor not.

:eek:ff Back to the topic.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: New Speacial forces pictures

Extracted into own thread....the discussion is too tasty....

The key issue is there're laws. law do not ask for purpose. It's not about culture. The first law were just past some years later. But in recent years, so many japanese came to do this without any authorization. So there's the second law dedicated to foreigners. It's like an explaination about the first law. Then, there are still more japanese coming and do this without authorization. The punishment is just take your equipment and data, and some fine.

wll if you say that the law is just recent, It proves my point exactly. the japanese where propaply just unware of just strange law that doesent run hand by hand with the comon law-sense, that most westeners are use to. Im not saying that China doesent have rigth to do so, Im only here to deter that BS that it would have had any inteligence or military relation of the Japanese act.

BUT to those who want to make fools of themselfs by posing an anti-japanese rant that those must have been spyes, becouse a) they are japanese and they all are born as evil china haters, or b) becouse it took place in china that is paradise like wonderland that is always under threat of evil japanese manticores....get a brake!
Or properly, next time, take an actual look to the facts of the matter before discussing it, and if its so obvious that you dont have any sort of clue of what so ever about basic surveying, dont even bother......:mad:
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