Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Radar

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Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

just look at New GuineaThe mainland Chinese are probably the latest of any large national immigrant group to enter the country but it didnt take them long to antagonize the indigenous people before encountering pogroms directed at them.

People of SDF, look at what this piece of work is saying. This is no longer a debate about the Japan-China territorial dispute, but his personal vision of what "mainland Chinese" people are like in general. Not only did he just blanket characterize Chinese people but has in the same breath justified pogroms directed against ethnic Chinese by blaming the Chinese themselves. Just like the Jews deserved all the pogroms against them, right? Because they "antagonized" the locals in Europe, right? I can't even believe the words I am reading from this guy.

Do you guys really need any further proof of what kind of person this guy is? Why are the mods tolerating this blatantly racist characterization of Chinese people and allowing someone like him to continue to come here and post his race-baiting diatribes and stirring up hornets' nests wherever he posts his garbage? IMO this thread should be closed down before he can soil this forum any more, and bladerunner should be banned from SDF permanently.

This thread is being reported.
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Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

Mysterre;224295 As for the article posted by Les Adieux said:
But monolithic societies wax and wane and its during the down period the strength of her claims can become weaker.
However that is going to open up another can of worms , so im gonna leave it at that


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

VVThe frenetic pace of such research — and the official appetite for it — comes after decades of relative quiet in the field and has focused heavily on the two hottest debates: China’s quarrel with six other nations over a potentially oil-rich patch of the South China Sea and its tense feud with Japan over a small sprinkling of land called the Diaoyu Islands by the Chinese and the Senkaku Islands by the Japanese.

For some Chinese academics, the now-heavy demand for such work marks a near reversal of what they experienced early in their careers. In past decades, some say, territorial disputes were often considered too sensitive a topic because China was leery of disrupting its relations with its neighbors.

The government always emphasized the stability of bilateral relationships in the past, so doing public research on the Diaoyu Islands, for example, was not practical,” said one Chinese professor. “You couldn’t write a thesis on it. . . . There would be nowhere to publish such articles publicly

Even now, the topic remains sensitive. The professor spoke on the condition of anonymity because, he said, others have been punished in the past for speaking too openly on such matters.

Wow...it's hard to imagine someone could actually interpret the above as this :

"What is disconcerting for the Chinese side though is their credibility would have nosedived with the uncommitted parties around the world. The revelation by one of its academics that China has never permitted any official research on historical documents as to to the validity of their claims is a complete contradiction on their claim to have vigoursly pursued historical research to justify their claims."

If even one out of ten people in this world think this way, the world would never be a tenth as peaceful as it's today. Enough said.


The Capitalist
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Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

O. M. F. G.

People of SDF, look at what this piece of work is saying. This is no longer a debate about the Japan-China territorial dispute, but his personal vision of what "mainland Chinese" people are like in general. Not only did he just blanket characterize Chinese people but has in the same breath justified pogroms directed against ethnic Chinese by blaming the Chinese themselves. Just like the Jews deserved all the pogroms against them, right? Because they "antagonized" the locals in Europe, right? I can't even believe the words I am reading from this guy.

Do you guys really need any further proof of what kind of person this guy is? Why are the mods tolerating this blatantly racist characterization of Chinese people and allowing someone like him to continue to come here and post his race-baiting diatribes and stirring up hornets' nests wherever he posts his garbage? IMO this thread should be closed down before he can soil this forum any more, and bladerunner should be banned from SDF permanently.

This thread is being reported.

I think I share your concern. That seems a totally outrageous comment to make.
Thread closed pending mod review


Bladerunner has been banned permanently and thread is now reopened.
Do not refer or respond to the offending post or related comments but return instead to topic
The only reason I have not deleted the posts is so that other members can have no doubt as to the consequences of posting anything similar about Chinese or any other race or ethnicity etc.
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Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

The disappearance of certain offensive stimuli is certainly the date most SDF forum members had been looking forward to..let us rejoice.

Anyways to be honest, for all those talks of who's evil and who's greedy and stuff, I want to share with everyone the Realistic Conflict Theory. This occurs when a certain resource is scarce, which will lead to competitions between ingroup and outgroup(or 2 groups.) In such cases, intergroup conflicts will result, and generally hidden prejudices towards outgroups will find itself "legitimate" reasons to protrude into the conscious and blossom into discriminations and the uglies.

It's important that for all these name-calling and tasteless comments of whosoever, and pretty much MOST intergroup conflicts mankind has ever known, all stemmed from this source. With that said, it's important we clear our heads and not let those negativity get the better of us. Calling out on whosoever is a thing of the past for schoolchildren, we should become more like what a 21st century intellectual should behave like. We should work to recognize common goals and similarities, including accept and reduce differences.

If anyone wishes to blame anyone ever again, please think about the RCT first.


Junior Member
Japan not to disclose evidence of China radar target-lock on MSDF assets

japan times

The government will not disclose its evidence of China’s recent locking of weapons-targeting radar on a Japanese warship because doing so would tip its hand on intelligence operations, official sources said Monday.

The Liberal Democratic Party-led government had considered disclosure after Beijing denied Japan’s accusations that a Chinese frigate aimed its weapons radar at a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer on Jan. 30 near the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea at the heart of a bilateral dispute.

Disclosure poses “great risk in terms of defense as it would mean that Chinese military authorities would be looking at the MSDF’s secrets concerning information-gathering operations,” a senior Defense Ministry official said.

A government source also said such disclosure would “difficult” as the evidence data touch on the “subtleties” of Japanese security.

They added that Washington’s expression of support for Tokyo’s allegation has also prompted Japan not to disclose the evidence.

The government will not officially announce its nondisclosure of the evidence, however, in a bid to maintain pressure on China, the sources said.

Japan has frequency analysis data of radio waves the MSDF warship received from the Chinese ship, photos and footage at the time of the occurrence, according to a Defense Ministry source.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has accused Japan of “spreading false information” by alleging weapons-targeting radar was directed toward the MSDF ship. It has argued the Chinese frigate used monitoring radar and not fire-control radar.

Tokyo also said a Chinese naval ship was suspected of having directed fire-control radar at an MSDF helicopter on Jan. 19 as the chopper was flying over the East China Sea.

Japan will continue to closely monitor Chinese vessels and military jets near the islets, while at the same time keep calling on Beijing to soon engage in a bilateral maritime safety mechanism to avoid an accidental clash.

Political sources said the international community may view Japan’s decision not to reveal the evidence as a failure to produce an effective argument against China’s denial.

The radar issue has come as bilateral ties have dropped to the lowest level in years over conflicting sovereignty claims to the Senkaku, which are called Diaoyu in China.

Ties worsened in particular after Japan effectively nationalized the uninhabited chain by purchasing three of the five islands from a private Japanese owner in September.

The purchase was intended by the government then led by the Democratic Party of Japan to “stably maintain” the islets, but it sparked a fierce backlash in China.


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

Unless there's going to be new revelations or sudden reversals of positions from either side, I think this thread has pretty much run its course since the Japanese have opted to not present the evidence. Every one is entitled to their own beliefs on this incident but I'll stick with "innocent till proven guilty".


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

The Latest Chinese Photos Have Shown That Japan Has No Firm Control Of The Diaoyu Islands:





Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

This incident IMO is actually more beneficial for China than for Japan. Japan tried to nationalize the islands, legitimating a Chinese response. Now I expect that Chinese CG cutters will routinely patrol inside 12 nm of the DYT coastline, and Japan only has itself to blame.


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

This incident IMO is actually more beneficial for China than for Japan. Japan tried to nationalize the islands, legitimating a Chinese response. Now I expect that Chinese CG cutters will routinely patrol inside 12 nm of the DYT coastline, and Japan only has itself to blame.

why is that ? please elaborate a bit. Did Chinese CG cutters really routinely patrol inside 12 nm ?
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