Japan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Staff member
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If the two F-16 doing emergency landing nearby is the same day and time.. It's looking more like yankee hotheads wanting to make a pass near an helicopter for fun and taking it out...

I thought the emergency landing was just a front for practicing Rapid Raptor style deployment for other USAF assets. Chances of two aircraft simultaneously developing engine problems is pretty slim.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I thought the emergency landing was just a front for practicing Rapid Raptor style deployment for other USAF assets. Chances of two aircraft simultaneously developing engine problems is pretty slim.
More like rapid termination of Japanese senior military leadership by their own imperial overlord. I'm happy they'll do it for us so that we don't have to. It'll ensure we have lasting peace in the Sino-Pacific.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Rouge translation by me of Japanese news for your enjoyment.

Search for Helicopter continues to face difficulties, Chinese involvement cannot be confirmed

Basically Chinese involvment is not confirmed; the Chinese naval ship that was nearby operated when it was still dark. There is a massive lag between the Chinese ship's appearance and the time of the accident.

The Japanese department of defence must be annoyed too, having to spend time clarifying dumb sh*t like this.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Some comments under the video above from the enlightened citizens of Japan:

This news report making it like China is not suspiscious makes me even more suspiscious of China.

某国に配慮してそういうふうに言えと言われてるんですね。 ではなぜあの場に中国艦艇がいたのか。それをまず厳しく追求するべきなのではないのでしょうか
The Japanese spokeperson must be ordered to phrase it like this as to not offend China. If not, why was there a Chinese naval ship nearby? We should get to the bottom of this.

俺はCHINAだと思っている が、自衛隊は認めることはない
I think it was China. The self defence force won't admit it though.

This heli was made by the Americans right? It is possible that it was rigged.

It can't be helped to suspect China considering the things they have done up untill now.

You can't cover this for for ever.

If its the Chinese military its possible it was a directional EMP weapon.

ネットだと中国に反撃しろとか騒ぐ人達もいるけど そんな事したら中国からしたらボーナスステージでしょ.
People on the net keep making a fuss about striking back at China, but if we did that we'll just be a bonus stage (exact words) to them.


Registered Member
Some comments under the video above from the enlightened citizens of Japan:

This news report making it like China is not suspiscious makes me even more suspiscious of China.

某国に配慮してそういうふうに言えと言われてるんですね。 ではなぜあの場に中国艦艇がいたのか。それをまず厳しく追求するべきなのではないのでしょうか
The Japanese spokeperson must be ordered to phrase it like this as to not offend China. If not, why was there a Chinese naval ship nearby? We should get to the bottom of this.

俺はCHINAだと思っている が、自衛隊は認めることはない
I think it was China. The self defence force won't admit it though.

This heli was made by the Americans right? It is possible that it was rigged.

It can't be helped to suspect China considering the things they have done up untill now.

You can't cover this for for ever.

If its the Chinese military its possible it was a directional EMP weapon.

ネットだと中国に反撃しろとか騒ぐ人達もいるけど そんな事したら中国からしたらボーナスステージでしょ.
People on the net keep making a fuss about striking back at China, but if we did that we'll just be a bonus stage (exact words) to them.
I thought those kind of comments by the Japanese were a minority when I first saw Chinese translations of them by the gaming community. Maybe the Japanese memes about China being 爸爸 aren't memes after all :)