The Japanese defense ministry has published a new design for the country’s next fighter. Project code name - Godzilla (Just kidding). It is expected to be bigger than the F-22 with emphasis on greater payload and range.
Source :AWST

Source :AWST
The Japanese defense ministry has published a new design for the country’s next fighter, suggesting an even greater emphasis on range and payload than before.
An illustration of the design differs markedly in planform from the most recent that has previously been shown, which was called 26DMU and prepared in fiscal 2014. The new design is somewhat reminiscent of concepts for the proposed Future Combat Air System and Tempest fighter programs, the former led by France and Germany and the latter by Britain. The Tempest is a possible basis for NGF.
Whereas 26DMU had four tail surfaces, somewhat slanted, the NGF drawing in the budget report shows only two; they are mounted at perhaps 45 deg. to the vertical.
The mainplane also is dramatically different, with seemingly higher aspect ratio (slimness). The leading edge is straight, as before, but the trailing edge is swept forward inboard but aft outboard—as on the wings of the Tempest and FCAS concepts and, before them, the unsuccessful McDonnell Douglas submission for the Joint Strike Fighter program in the 1990s and the McDonnell F-101 Voodoo of the 1950s.
The trailing edge of the newly revealed Japanese design meets the fuselage at about the same point as the leading edges of the tail surfaces, as in FCAS concepts published by Dassault. In the Tempest concept that Britain has revealed, the mainplane, with much lower aspect ratio than the Japanese design, is extended as far back as the trailing edges of the tail surfaces.
IHI Corp. and the ministry have developed an engine of at least 33,000 lb. thrust, the XF9-1, for the fighter.