Seems like stealth has a universal design. K-FX, T-FX, AMCA, AZM, Shin Shen/ X-2... all of them copying the Lockheed Martin approach.
Hahaha now the China copycat crowd has nothing to say? I guess China is far closer to US military technology for being able to follow much closer? And before the "oh that's because they have started earlier with more funding" defence, well where was that line when J-20 and FC-31 came out? Results certainly follow funding and head starts but no amount of head start or funding can compensate for lack of ability.
Waiting for internet trolls to call the T-FX, K-FX, and X-2 as Lockheed Martin F-22/F-35 copies. Will never come. China-haters exposed again! China must be doing many things right then. Continue the march comrades!!!

Now actually being serious. I have little faith Japan will build their own 5th gen Mitsubishi fighter because they are going all in with F-35 and there's talk of cooperation with UK (Tempest program) or US - restarting F-22 or FB-22 program with customised Japanese 5th gen fighter that complement F-35. With these options probably having more chances of success since all the know how is there (at least for the Lockheed Martin option), meaning shorter development cycle, lower costs, greater capability.
As wealthy as Japan is, there are looming economic issues which may not even be solvable by Japan's population shrinkage which isn't going to be good for it either. I don't think Japan will be silly enough (India) to pursue a costly self-developed 5th gen fighter when they don't need to develop it themselves like China or Russia did.