Look at the naval tonnage
Yet missiles flying over head unopposed
Japan needs to get its act together
I'm not telling Japan their business but they should intercept and destroy these missiles. As long as Kim has success with nukes and the missiles to deliver them he has power. If they are shot down Kim really has nothing. It's not illegal to shot down ICBM's. Even if it was all that can happen to Japan is they get a letter from the UN or some such agency. Japan can ignore it just like the US does. The longer Kim is allowed to project power the stronger he becomes. It has to be dealt with eventually and I would prefer sooner then later.
I agree.
Japan and/or SKOR should shoot the next one down.
in fact, every singel one that shows a trajectory to overfly their territory should be shot down.
As long as Kim-il-jung shoots missiles over other people's sorign terriroty unopposed...hje will continue to do so and he may get the idea that these folks are unwilling to defend themselves.
He should never be allowed to come to that mistaken impression.
Anyhow, after so many warnings, and seeing Japanese citizens having to respond to air raid warnings due to overflights of N. Korean missiles...it is time they use the BDM capabilities they have whenever they can and simply take his missiles out and show him that his arsenal will never be big enough to overwhelm S. Korea or Japan as far as nuclear weapons go.
Neither of them (JApan or S. Korea) or the US or anyone else for that matter has a strong enough BDM capability to take down a massive launch by China or Russia so they do not have to worry about MAD being obsolete.
What we have was built specifically for smaller rogue nations like N Korea or Iran.