Japan Earthquake

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The death toll is going to rise dramatically:

It happened the same way during the Sichuan Earthquake. I remember that during the first few days, the death tolls were in the thousands, and then it climbed to tens of thousands.

I really detest the way earthquake death tolls are reported. They seem to report only the confirmed/presumed dead, while putting the number of missing in small print buried somewhere in the article, if it's there at all.

It really understates the magnitude of the catastrophe. They really should put the number of missing in the headlines as well.

Also, does anyone know how much of Japan is affected by this quake? By that I mean access to water, electricity, and the internet.

I agree. I think the same also happened in the Indonesian 2004 earthquake and tsunami. I find it kind of odd the media just headlined the confirmed death count while putting the much larger missing numbers in smaller print, almost like making them of lesser importance although most of these missing victims likely have also died in the quake and tsunami. Alright, maybe it's one way of lessening the worries of the relatives of the missing. Fair enough.

I wonder how well did the tsunami warning system worked. So far there's no report of the failure of warning system but still it looks like they weren't enough time for the victims to escape from the tsunami. Perhaps, the reason could be because some victims were not trained to respond as quickly as they should.
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When the sum of missing and confirmed dead was about 1200, I told my wife it was 10.000, just based on the damage reported by the BBC radio. Those media types could have given out the a similar estimate: We have reports of so many dead, so many missing but in view of the damage reported we expect more than 10.000 dead.

As for the hatred between China and Japan, remember what happened between Greece and Turkey when there were earthquakes in those countries.


That's like telling the Americans to send massive amount of relief supplies to Iran and Alqaeda. If the government does that, countless Chinese people would probably smash their local city hall and another few thousand would protest on the Tiananmen square.

You won't believe the amount of hatred Chinese people have towards the Japanese.

Pugachev_diver, I dare say that most of us here ARE Chinese, so we are perfectly aware of our ambivalent feelings toward modern Japan and Japan's brutal imperial past. It is a complex issue that cannot be distilled into a few words.

That said, I have to take issue with your rather transparent attempt (or perhaps it is fueled by ignorance?) to smear the Chinese people in general.
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, despite the reassurances of the "experts".

I can't help but notice a parallel between this crisis, and the Sichuan quake lake crisis in 2008. Both are potentially catastrophic events that were created by the earthquake, and both require a race against time to avoid disaster. However, these words from PM Kan do NOT sound encouraging:

After a 6:14 a.m. explosion at the Unit 2 reactor Tuesday (5:14 p.m. Monday in Washington), Prime Minister Naoto Kan — wearing a durable blue work jacket — addressed the nation.

“Please listen to my message calmly,” he said, before explaining that that radiation had spread from malfunctioning reactors at Fukushima Daiichi into the environment.

Readings in the nearby area suggested very high risk, he said, although within nine hours of the blast they had dropped to lower — but still elevated — levels.

“The radiation level has risen substantially,” Kan said. “The risk that radiation will leak from now on has risen.”


Lieutenant General
I always believe that technology as dangerous as Nuclear technology should be handled by goverment and not private company. Here is a bit primer on Nuclear technology.
Basically there are only 4 Nuclear systems in this world that of BWR(Boiling water reactor) like this graphic
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Initialy started by Idaho lab and commercialize by GE also known as GE system . The Japanese reactor that experience disaster is modified GE system also known as GE_Hitachi sytem. There are at least 16 reactor in US that use this system.

The only advantage of this system is simple design using less equipment and therefore cheaper. Supposedly more realiable because it use fewer equipment. But having only single primary loop it is not self contained. There is no separation between Reactor unit and Balance of Power Plant(Turbine and Condenser). Any leak in the reactor unit will be carried over to the turbine house and that is exactly what happened in Japan . H2 generated from reaction of Hot water with Zirconium oxide leak into Turbine house causing explosion. For years the critic have complained about inadequacy of the containment building

The most popular system is known as PWR or Pressure water reactor originaly developed in Philadephia for Nuclear power submarine. Latter on commercialize by Westinghouse therefore known as Westinghouse system.Most of the world reactor use this system
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Because the sytem use dual loop to carry the heat to the Turbine section socalled Primary and secondary loop,Primary loop consists of Reactor, Steam generator and circulating pump, is self contained. It has complete separation between Reactor unit and Turbine unit. But it also has extra Steam generator inside the reactor unit. Therefore necessitate a larger Reactor containment building . Bigger and stronger containment building but more expensive

The other sytem is CANDU(Canadian nuclear deuteium) which is even more expensive because it has on site fuelling machine but has more availability.

I might add it is more safer because they have 2 water jacket . Basically the system is the reverse of American system, instead of enriching the fuel CANDU use enriched water(H3O) or Deuterium
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. They even had emergency cooling water reservoir inside the containment building. but because it is expensive this system is not so popular . China Qinshan unit 2&3 is of Candu system. but the majority of China's nuclear reactor are PWR. Areva and Westinghouse are their main contractor

The russian system I am no so familiar but Chernobyl has no containment system at all Wow

Reactor Design in Japan Has Long Been QuestionedBy TOM ZELLER Jr.
Published: March 15, 2011
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. The warnings were stark and issued repeatedly as far back as 1972: If the cooling systems ever failed at a Mark 1 nuclear reactor, the primary containment vessel surrounding the reactor would probably burst as the fuel rods inside overheated. Dangerous radiation would spew into the environment.

Questions on the Nuclear Crisis in Japan (March 15, 2011) Now, with one Mark 1 containment vessel damaged at the embattled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and other vessels there under severe strain, the weaknesses of the design — developed in the 1960s by General Electric — could be contributing to the unfolding catastrophe.

When the ability to cool a reactor is compromised, the containment vessel is the last line of defense. Typically made of steel and concrete, it is designed to prevent — for a time — melting fuel rods from spewing radiation into the environment if cooling efforts completely fail.

In some reactors, known as pressurized water reactors, the system is sealed inside a thick, steel-and-cement tomb. Most nuclear reactors around the world are of this type.

But the type of containment vessel and pressure suppression system used in the failing reactors at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant — and in 23 American reactors at 16 plants — is physically less robust, and it has long been thought to be more susceptible to failure in an emergency than competing designs.

G.E. began making the Mark 1 boiling water reactors in the 1960s, marketing them as cheaper and easier to build — in part because they used a comparatively smaller and less expensive containment structure.

American regulators began identifying weaknesses very early on.

In 1972, Stephen H. Hanauer, then a safety official with the Atomic Energy Commission, recommended in a memo that the sort of “pressure-suppression” system used in G.E.’s Mark 1 plants presented unacceptable safety risks and that it should be discontinued. Among his concerns were that the smaller containment design was more susceptible to explosion and rupture from a buildup in hydrogen — a situation that may have unfolded at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

“What are the safety advantages of pressure suppression, apart from the cost saving?” Mr. Hanauer asked in the 1972 memo. (The regulatory functions of the Atomic Energy Commission were later transferred to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.)

A written response came later that same year from Joseph Hendrie, who would later become chairman of the N.R.C. He called the idea of a ban on such systems “attractive” because alternative containment systems have the “notable advantage of brute simplicity in dealing with a primary blowdown.”

But he added that the technology had been so widely accepted by the industry and regulatory officials that “reversal of this hallowed policy, particularly at this time, could well be the end of nuclear power.”

In an e-mail on Tuesday, David Lochbaum, director of the Nuclear Safety Program at the Union for Concerned Scientists, said those words seemed ironic now, given the potential global ripples on the nuclear industry from the Japanese accident.

“Not banning them might be the end of nuclear power,” said Mr. Lochbaum, a nuclear engineer who spent 17 years working in nuclear facilities, including three that used the G.E. design.

Questions about the G.E. reactor design escalated in the mid-1980s, when Harold Denton, an official with the N.R.C., asserted that Mark 1 reactors had a 90 percent probability of bursting should the fuel rods overheat and melt in an accident. A follow-up report from a study group convened by the commission concluded that “Mark 1 failure within the first few hours following core melt would appear rather likely.”

In an extreme accident, that analysis held, the containment could fail in as little as 40 minutes.

Industry officials disputed that assessment, saying the chance of failure was only about 10 percent.

Michael Tetuan, a spokesman for G.E.’s water and power division, staunchly defended the technology this week, calling it “the industry’s workhorse with a proven track record of safety and reliability for more than 40 years.”

Mr. Tetuan said there are currently 32 Mark 1 boiling water reactors operating safely around the globe. “There has never been a breach of a Mark 1 containment system,” he said.

Several utilities and plant operators also threatened to sue G.E. in the late 1980s after the disclosure of internal company documents dating back to 1975 that suggested the containment vessel designs were either insufficiently tested or had flaws that could compromise safety.

Green Blog: Questions on the Nuclear Crisis in Japan (March 15, 2011) Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project with Beyond Nuclear, an organization opposed to nuclear power, says that regulators and utilities began raising concerns about the containment design as far back as the 1970s.

“The key concern has always been that the containment structure was undersized, and that a potential accident could overwhelm and rupture it,” Mr. Gunter said.

The Mark 1 reactors in the United States have undergone a variety of modifications since these initial concerns were raised. Among these, according to Mr. Lochbaum, were changes to the doughnut-shaped torus — a water-filled vessel encircling the primary containment vessel that is used to reduce pressure in the reactor. In early iterations, steam rushing from the primary vessel into the torus under high pressure could cause the vessel to literally jump off the floor.

In the late 1980s, all Mark 1 reactors in the United States were also ordered to be retrofitted with venting systems to help reduce pressure in an overheating situation, rather than allow it to build up in a containment system that regulators were concerned could not take it.

It is not clear precisely what modifications were made to the Japanese boiling water reactors now failing, but James Klapproth, the chief nuclear engineer for General Electric Hitachi, said a venting system was in place at the Fukushima plants to help relieve pressure.

With electrical power cut off in the aftermath of the earthquake and backup sources of power either failing or exhausted, workers have been struggling to inject seawater into the reactor to maintain control, but they have had some trouble venting the resulting steam.

Mr. Gunter argued that in any event, such venting amounts to a circumvention of the whole notion of containment in the first place. “They essentially have to defeat containment to save it,” he said.

What role the specifics of the G.E. design is playing in the rapid deterioration of control at the Fukushima plant is likely to be a matter of debate, and it is possible that any reactor design could succumb to the one-two punch of an earthquake and tsunami like those that unfolded last week in Japan.

Although G.E.’s liability would seem limited in Japan — largely because the regulatory system in that country places most liability on the plant operator, the company’s share price was down more than 2 percent at midday Tuesday as the situation at the Fukushima plant deteriorated.

Still, Mr. Lochbaum said it was important to emphasize that the design specifications for containment and cooling on any reactor are a matter of balance. The primary alternate reactor design, the pressurized water reactor, calls for a thicker and bigger containment structure, for example. A boiling water reactor design like the one at Fukushima does allow for scaling back on the size of the containment system while ostensibly maintaining the requisite safety margins.

In that sense, Mr. Lochbaum said, G.E.’s the boiling water reactors should be no better or worse in weathering accidents than any other design.

Should the ability to cool the reactor completely fail, however, Mr. Lochbaum said, “I’d certainly rather have a bigger, thicker containment structure.”


Here is an article from the right wing British newspaper The Daily Telegraph about Japan, the Persian Gulf and the juxtapunction of developments in both places:
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Lieutenant General
Time like this we should set aside our dispute and antipathy after all the young Japanese wasn't even born when Nanjing massacre was commited. Here one chinese man effort to help the Japanese And from China daily forum

An unsigned commentary Saturday from Xinhua, the official state-run news agency, recalled how Japan assisted China after a deadly earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008, with many ordinary Japanese lining up to make donations and a Japanese rescue team helping recover victims.

"The willingness and readiness to help each other is just a natural reflection of the time-honored friendly bond between the two neighboring Oriental civilizations," the commentary said. "The virtue of returning the favor after receiving one runs in the bloods of both nations."

Chinese tycoon rushes to Japan, aids quake victims09:38, March 15, 2011 Email |
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China's most high-profile philanthropist Chen Guangbiao has handed out food, water, money and other daily necessities and rescued three people from debris after he arrived in Japan, following the devastating earthquake and tsunami there.

China's philanthropist Chen Guangbiao

Chen, president of Jiangsu Huangpu Renewable Resources Co, and 12 other volunteers arrived in Japan on Friday night, just hours after the massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake and 10-metre-tall tsunami swept through northeast Japanese coast.

Chen brought 13 million yen (US$158,820) with him and he planned to donate them to the quake victims, The Yangtze Evening News reported yesterday.

The man rented four vehicles, brought water, bread, cotton quilts and sanitary products which he bought from six supermarkets. The goods were later distributed to people in three major shelters in Chiba Prefecture, Chen told the newspaper.

Wearing a Red Cross badge and two Chinese national flag stickers on his chest, Chen told reporters that he didn't only represent himself. He also brought with him Chinese people's care and good will for the victims of the disasters.

Chen has donated 2 million yen to money boxes on the streets. "I also put my name card in the box to let them know the donor is a Chinese, an ordinary Chinese man who wants to help," Chen said.

Chen was seen carrying a woman from a collapsed building in a picture posted on his microblog on t.sina.com.cn on March 13.

Chen and other volunteers also saved a man and his young son beneath their toppled house rubble.

Chen has been to Chiba, Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures, and also plans to go to Sendai and Miyagi, the Guangzhou-based Information Times reported.

Chen's philanthropy was praised by some members of the online community but criticized by others. Xiaohanguantou said: "Chen is a typical representative of all Chinese people who share the hardships of the Japanese people."

Others accused Chen of stirring up media hype and questioned why he went to Japan instead of Yingjiang County in Yunnan Province, which was struck by a 5.8-magnitude earthquake last Thursday.

Chen said he had donated 200,000 yuan (US$30,448) to quake-hit Yunnan, in Southwest China, where 25 people were killed and nearly 200 injured.
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