J-XX Fighter Aircraft

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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: J-xx

the pic is completely fraud and fake...not even a mock up. Its rather intresting that magazine of Hrvaski Vonjik -caliber falls into that....but it just shows how dangerous and frustrating this constant overflown of chinese related BS photoshopping can be....:mad: :mad: But the matter has been chewed to almoust dry in this and some other threads


Junior Member
Re: J-xx

I would blame the newspaper for it. They probably got it on some forum and almost on every forum the images were followed by posts debunking it's credibility.

Back on the topic, the rumor that SAC has been given contract for J-XX (atleast the heavier version) how close to truth is it??


Senior Member
Re: J-xx

Okay folks.... another set of CGI pics. I wonder if they're based on some "unofficial official" information or just pure fan-art.

They're really nice too. I like the design. Very surprised by the swing-wing. I wonder if the design actually "looks" stealthy.




Finally, a nice CGI of a Chinese "stealth bomber." I wonder why the bombs are carried externally, doesn't that ruin stealth?



VIP Professional
Re: J-xx

Nice CGIs… Looks like mix between YF-23, F-22 and F-14… Bomber looks like European stealthy UAV designs, but should carry bomb internally…
This is definitely fan art…


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: J-xx

Roger604 said:
Okay folks.... another set of CGI pics. I wonder if they're based on some "unofficial official" information or just pure fan-art.

They're really nice too. I like the design. Very surprised by the swing-wing. I wonder if the design actually "looks" stealthy.




Finally, a nice CGI of a Chinese "stealth bomber." I wonder why the bombs are carried externally, doesn't that ruin stealth?

Pretty pictures but I sincerely doubt that an aircraft in that configuration would be anything like as stealthy as it is intended to look. The artist has ignored the basics of stealth shaping like where the engines are too close together with near vertical sides to the "bump". Also swing wings - that would be a real challenge to make stealthy.


Banned Idiot
Re: J-xx

isthvan said:
Nice CGIs… Looks like mix between YF-23, F-22 and F-14… Bomber looks like European stealthy UAV designs, but should carry bomb internally…
This is definitely fan art…

The cockpit and nose look like they were taken from the su-34. i think the canards ruin the picture though. This looks like another CGI weve seen before, i wonder if its the same guy making these?
If it is, Planeman has soem serious competition.:D


Lieutenant General
Re: J-xx

Looks like something from Robotech. Nice to see some good CGI artists hopefully coming out of China. Now if they'll only make some great action animation movies.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: J-xx

I hope the J-xx will come out early. Despite it will not catch up the F-22.

As this post here shows a text book example of the kind of posting That IS NOT ALLOWED!!! I like to leave it as an example to you all...if you want to write down these sort of things, go find some chatroom!!!!

edited by Gollevainen, your worst nigthmare...:nono:
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Lieutenant General
Re: J-xx

Check out the pics from china.com. I translated the caption and it said something like "New Jian tested." So experts... it looks like a J-10 to me. New version or just old pic? What do you think and what kind of test is that?

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