J-35A fighter (PLAAF) + FC-31 thread


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IMO there should be some rhyme and reason behind the numbers they have, but I'm sure it's like chaotic lawful (there's logic and rules, but only the guy making those numbers and the ones agreeing to em know)

Could ba a case by case convention gor all we know


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This name disarms the Americans into thinking that it is a cheap copy, and encourage voices at home to say things like "The F-35 is an obsolete platform, we must pivot to blah blah blah."


Junior Member
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IMO there should be some rhyme and reason behind the numbers they have, but I'm sure it's like chaotic lawful (there's logic and rules, but only the guy making those numbers and the ones agreeing to em know)

Could ba a case by case convention gor all we know
Are they trying to LARP as Wallfacers or what? This ain't the Three-Body Problem.


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Are they trying to LARP as Wallfacers or what? This ain't the Three-Body Problem.
Think you're reading too much into this, they have no reason to tell us anything about their naming conventions, whether there's military value in it or not. IMO the names started as just linear program/airframe designations, but now there's more pride taken in their names, a reflection in The PLAAFs confidence in itself and it's accomplishments.


Junior Member
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Think you're reading too much into this, they have no reason to tell us anything about their naming conventions, whether there's military value in it or not. IMO the names started as just linear program/airframe designations, but now there's more pride taken in their names, a reflection in The PLAAFs confidence in itself and it's accomplishments.
That was a joke from my side :/


Registered Member
Not sure If anyone has already posted this or not (can't find) But Wang Yongqing says J35A is very economical

"Fighter is extremely efficient, fast and very economical... the scale will be large in number in the future..
Large scale and more uses"

View attachment 140467
It isn't surprise at all. J-20's projected price is slightly higher than Su-27/J-11 at the time of program start. So J-35A has to be a lot cheapper to be worth the effort.