Re: New Generation Fighter
Hey, dude, this scheme was originally owned by paralay
1) This ain't mine
2) He doesn't own the scheme. Lot of professions use this scheme of front, side and top view. Architects, Engineers, Designers, etc... So he doesn't own anything
It's also quite wrong. I know I saw he made quite a few revisions as newer pictures surfaced.
LOL don't shoot the sharer
My thinking so far....
We can see that J-8 are being replaced by J-11/Flankers, J-7 being replaced by J-10, Q-5 being replaced by JH-7A. I can see the JH-7A production starting to slow down, J-11 will continue in production with a couple more regiments, the J-10 will still be in mass production regardless of the J-XX. So.... many J-7 regiments to re-modernize, J-10 its the cheapest choice and the most capable for its price.
Line of defence J-11's foward deployed to counter threats, if that fails the J-XX will be called out, while J-10 is to provide aerial protection of the mainland if they get through. Sort of like Police (J-11), when all fails SWAT (J-XX), public security (J-10).
Another situation I see them being used are pre-emtive strike platforms prior to the rest of the military moving in or the rest of the air force. I can also see some of them modified to serve as a light nuclear carrier platform. Possible additional role was act as a mini stealth bomber for its giving it a 3rd nuclear strike option. Maybe one of the reasons its that big is to also act as a nuclear bomber.
Using J-XX as a cruise missle carrying platform? Serious? Bit reckless and wasteful. If your sending in aerial cruise missle to counter carrier then its basically a get into missle range-fire-run. Cause you do not want to be there with such thick air defence protecting it, or possible fighters in air already. Your outnumbered and out powered. Why would you send something so expensive and so little of them in service to do a shoot-run mission. JH-7A & J-11 is adequate to do that. J-XX are needed to protect the air space.
Now regarding size being too big, the Flanker was seen as huge back in the days yet was very maneuverable and could outmaneuver alot of its smaller counter parts, despite the size.
Engines, my theory is that the final engine isn't installed on the J-XX yet cause its not yet ready. They are using temporary engines to facilitate the J-XX so they can proceed with testing, instead of sitting around wasting time until the engine is ready. That would be a reason why the engines aren't fully blended or integrated in with the airframe as its no need cause its only powering it for testing. Maybe when the actual engine comes in it will be sealed into the airframe (blended/intergrated) more further.
Remember all its a prototype though it looks to be a nearly fully finalized prototype.
I can easily see 10 years with 200 J-XX. Remember the J-10 was groundbreaking and they could only muster around 2-3 fighters/month with annual of 1 regiment being produced. True that now they are experienced with modern production and aircraft, it is still another level of technology and groundbreaking feat...So it probably will be 1 regiment per year or little less, so 200 in 10 years is possible. Add to its yearly military budget increase the airforce during those 10 years will receive significant budget spending increases for procurement.
We should be expecting new hangars to be developed, as they won't want these beast to be sitting out in the open. So look for new hangars and most likely J-XX will in service there. New divisions and regiments made just for J-XX? Dunno, food for thought though.
Think I wrote enough. Been following these recent discussion for awhile but didn't want to post anything until the chatter subsided...7 new pages made each day...sinodefence booming again. Add to that the WZ-10 we see in service, and Varyag in final fitting processes.