They offer us a development participation, but we are compromised to F-X2 finalists and we didn't discussed the proposal.
Internal prices in Russia and China are a lot cheaper than in Europe and North America. I visited China twice and the biggest Chinese secret is an internal socialistic economy that exports at capitalistic prices... Chinese PPP is similar to Italy one according some sources.
Nice to meet you peperez, i understand portuguese, simply because i am Mexican and speak spanish as my first language.
Well to be honest in GDP China is not an equal of Italy in per capita, niether its economy is fully developed to say they have catched up with the western living standards.
In asia the only nations in per capita terms that are equivalent to Europe are Japan and South Korea.
China is more or less like Peru in GDP per capita and almost like 2/3 of the US economy in GDP and macro economic terms.
So China is a very complex economy combining the technological power of a developed nation like Japan or Germany but with a population with an average PPP GDP like a developing nation.
Of course some cities in China are as impressive as Tokyo or London, but average Chinese citizen still can be considered in the same terms of a developing nation.
The chinese middle class might be as large as the whole population of Russia or even Brazil, but china has hundreds of millions still not better than nations like Cuba in HDI, so China is a very complex nation, but definitively still is a developing nation socially but technologically is a first rate power.
So the J-20 is not cheaper in terms of the social costs, the J-7 is definitively vastly much cheaper than equivalent MiG-21 build by Russia or the JF-17 cheaper than an F-16 in the export market.
If China decides to export the J-20 i agree it will be cheaper than the F-22, but as a product that will only satisfy Chinese needs and only for the PLAAF, then the jet is expensive since Chinese average salaries are much cheaper than western equivalents and the western countries are much wealthier