Yes, I loaded them yesterday , they were slow, but today they are like molasses. Yes I did get your pm, wifey says I need a real job. She said writers are like artists, they might starve or have to find a "rich wife", but I liked your suggestion. This does kind of look like airshow practice, with all the low altitude turning and burning, and quick transitions to the vertical. It looks good and the transitions looks smooth, I still wish someone on here could explain all that control flicking right after startup, must be the flight control system self checking and returning to some master reset values. I assume the surfaces are electro/hydraulic or electro/mechanical. One of the most impressive things I have ever seen at an air show was Zeke, doing a tailslide in the Raptor. It was mind boggling to watch the flight control system hold it perfectly vertical, while the horizontal stabs were flopping back and forth like some aerial seal, all in reverse!