J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Lieutenant General
Haven't we only seen the WS10A on J-10Bs? And since the J-10B isn't in production, I don't think its "history" on the J-10 can be used as a reason. We've seen plenty of pics of J-11s with no engines. Sounds like keeping up production seems to be the problem.


Senior Member
Haven't we only seen the WS10A on J-10Bs? And since the J-10B isn't in production, I don't think its "history" on the J-10 can be used as a reason. We've seen plenty of pics of J-11s with no engines. Sounds like keeping up production seems to be the problem.

Are you digging up a 2009 photo as evident? Now is 2011, China can progress rapidly in 2years time.


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Wellcome "bour21" but since most of the members don't speak Chinese a summary or even translation of original Chinese reports are allways wellcone.

Besides that a source would be fine too. ;)

Cheers, Deino


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buor21[/QUOTE said:
Ähhmm ... could You please enlighten us what these posts have to do with the J-20 ???

If not, then please remove them or otherwise I take them as spam



This discussion is dumb. Just because the WS-10 is in mass production does not mean the J-20 is using it right now. We still don't know the identity of the engine, but what little physical evidence we can find seems to put us closer to an Al-31 derivative than a taihang derivative. Of course people can believe whatever they want until there is actual confirmation on either one.

In any case the current discussion is quickly spiraling outside the relevant scope of the original contention. It's unfortunate that something as mundane as the identity of a stopgap/makeshift test engine can be hijacked for nationalistic ego-tripping. Real national pride should not need a reality-distortion field to back it up (what does it matter that the J-20 is using a WS-10 or an AL-31 when it's going to be using neither in its final configuration), so why don't we stick to what conclusions we can derive from actual evidence and not jump the gun when there's not enough evidence for confirmation?

Anyways, has anyone noticed that documented flight testing has slowed to about 1 a week?
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Senior Member
so then when I see another T-50 with Article 117 should I think that engine is mass produced?
You are correct in some sense. Isn't 117 derives from AL-31 engines? Al-31 is a massed produced engines, isn't it?

So yr theory apply into WS-10 equals
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