J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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I think even if J-20 does the world's best cobra manouver it is not enough to persuade naysayers that the aircraft's role is airdom.

Saab J-35 could sort of do it too... Cobra is not a good rubric.

I don't think we could expect too much of the plane right now. It is only like what, the 38th flight?


Lieutenant General
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Saab J-35 could sort of do it too... Cobra is not a good rubric.

I don't think we could expect too much of the plane right now. It is only like what, the 38th flight?

Yeah, I meant like at zhuhai 2020 or something.
I'd think the performance is for us, not for the naysayers. I don't care about what they say, although if the J-20 actually downs a Raptor in the future, I'd wanna see how they're gonna explain that off.

Oh by the way, so does the US have any 5th gen fighters in functional service currently?
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Lieutenant General
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I'd think the performance is for us, not for the naysayers. I couldn't give a fuck bout what they say, although if the J-20 actually downs a Raptor in the future, I'd wanna see how they're gonna explain that off.

Oh by the way, so does the US have any 5th gen fighters in functional service currently?

Lol are you poking at the recent mass grounding of F-22s? :p

(keep it civil lol)

I really do like the look of this bird. Tbh I thought it looked a bit duck footed on the ground due to the massive mlg doors and smallish wings, but in the air it looks far sleeker and due to blending and lerx the "wing" actually looks quite proportionate to the body.


Staff member
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I'd think the performance is for us, not for the naysayers. I couldn't give a fuck bout what they say, although if the J-20 actually downs a Raptor in the future, I'd wanna see how they're gonna explain that off.

Oh by the way, so does the US have any 5th gen fighters in functional service currently?

Yes, as a matter of fact. Raptors stationed on the Gulf Coast recently received permission to fly since they need to get out of the way before Hurricane Irene hits.

Actually I really hope that the J-20 and the Raptor never face one another. We all know what that implies, strategically if it happens.


Lieutenant General
TVC would be somewhat important in doing advanced maneuvers without losing energy?

It is the whole plane making extreme vector changes creating massive drag that is the primary source of energy loss during 'advanced manoeuvres'. How that extreme vector change was induced, be it via TVC or control surfaces, matters little.

It is amusing watching western commentary on the TVC of the F22, and much of the kinds of 'special' manoeuvres the Raptor's TVC allows that would be impossible with just control surfaces are pretty much the same kind of extreme post-stall, minimum airspeed and retained energy manoeuvres that the, often same, western sources have been dismissing as tactically useless airshow stunts for years before when it was just the Russians doing it. Anyone remember the comments made about the 'cobra'?

Now, TVC does offer some real advantages over control surface, especially for the high altitude, high velocity minimal RCS air dominance fighters that true fifth gens are designed to be.

TVC would allow certain manoeuvres to be carried out without needing any control surface input. This would result in reduced drag and also help to avoid possible RCS 'spikes' when incoming radar waves bounce off a control surface at an undesired angle.

TVC control will also be much more effective than control surfaces if the plane is flying high with very thin air. Which is likely to be where stealthy supercruisers with AESA radars would prefer to be operating most of the time - the thin air will aid supercruise, while the high altitude will give the LPI AESA radar better range and also give any fired AAM much more energy and range, etc.

I havent heard a plausible enough explanation to list many more real advantages TVC have over fixed intakes.

The conns I am sure people are aware of well enough. So at the end of the day, it is up to the PLA to decide what is better. To do that they may well need to put TVC onto a test J20 to get clear results.


New Member
Lol are you poking at the recent mass grounding of F-22s? :p

(keep it civil lol)

I really do like the look of this bird. Tbh I thought it looked a bit duck footed on the ground due to the massive mlg doors and smallish wings, but in the air it looks far sleeker and due to blending and lerx the "wing" actually looks quite proportionate to the body.
I am thinking a question:Why does not the J-20 chose its front mlg doors when mlg is down? It looks like they can be closed as the F-35s do.


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