J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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What other claims has made so far?

And even if it was 3D TVC it could still be possible to emplace the engines deeper to decrease IR signature (if that even works). I wonder if the 3D nozzle will be the conventional round ish ones we see on Russian fighters or a newer design like the Japanese proposal for their ATD-X.

I think your speculations continues to hold its ground in regards to the first sentence. Also I do wonder if it's actually still possible that those roundish nozzles maybe stealthy too if they know how to make that happen.


Fantastic picture. I hope mr. China man security won't get upset over this and let the guy from feyiang post the bigger( ?!) picture ! Now unless i'm not seeing properly there are two big bay doors on sides ( seemingly articulated right at the edge of fuselage /intake, and the middle one is double, correct ? So imho surely there must be six missiles in there.

I think there are only four in the belly.
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I noticed that too. Before we got these clear pictures showing the ventral bay as it was, I thought there might have been another weapons bay behind the main one, or that the main one was slightly longer, but that obviously isn't the case now.

I wonder whether the extra length could be for placing the engines deeper into the fuselage to decrease the IR signature? And also there's a possibility they might want to add F-22 style nozzles -- which adds some significant length to the overall aircraft -- and the extra length for the rear fuselage is a provision for that.

There's no way the engines can be moved. They are the heaviest items on an aircraft, and shifting them slightly would significantly alters the center of gravity of the aircraft, leading to change in flight dynamics.


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I think there are only four in the belly.
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I dunno that's a pretty old picture and it's quite blurry as well. We don't even know if that really is the J-20's cockpit.
I think the bay as it is might only be able to hold 4 PL-12As, just like how the F-22's main bay can only hold 4 AIM-120s which do not have the clipped wings. The J-20 should be able to carry 6 PL-12Cs quite happily I though.
I can't imagine it holding less missiles than the F-22. If anything it should match or exceed the payload capacity.


Lieutenant General
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There's no way the engines can be moved. They are the heaviest items on an aircraft, and shifting them slightly would significantly alters the center of gravity of the aircraft, leading to change in flight dynamics.

Well could the engines currently be placed deeper into the fuselage than we could see it now, so the final engines would sit in the same spot but still have the provision for whatever style of nozzle they want?
Just bouncing ideas what the extra space is for. Apart from fuel.


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I dunno that's a pretty old picture and it's quite blurry as well. We don't even know if that really is the J-20's cockpit.
I think the bay as it is might only be able to hold 4 PL-12As, just like how the F-22's main bay can only hold 4 AIM-120s which do not have the clipped wings. The J-20 should be able to carry 6 PL-12Cs quite happily I though.
I can't imagine it holding less missiles than the F-22. If anything it should match or exceed the payload capacity.

Keep in mind that Chinese missiles are slightly larger than American ones though. What do we know about PL-12Cs?


Lieutenant General
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Keep in mind that Chinese missiles are slightly larger than American ones though. What do we know about PL-12Cs?

Bigger, yes, but by how much? I mean we're not assuming J-20 and F-22 has the same sized weapons bay so it should be logical that the J-20, if it has weapons which are slightly larger than american counterparts should have a weapons bay which is slightly bigger too.
WRT PL-12C -- Folded rear fins, at least. Now I'm not sure if by itself that would allow 6 to be carried internally but why else would you do it? Unless the forward fins can fold as well, but we don't know that.


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Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have definitive proof that there are more than one J-20s.

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p.s. If this is a photoshopped picture I suggest we launch a massive hacking campaign against CD and FY. No just kidding.


Lieutenant General
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p.s. If this is a photoshopped picture I suggest we launch a massive hacking campaign against CD and FY. No just kidding.

We'll ask lulzsecurity to do it for us :p

What is that plane in front of the J-10 in primer on the left? :confused:
I'm not sure if I'm willing to call more than one J-20 yet. I would say to wait for more photos to prove it's not a PS but I have a feeling this picture, if it is real would not have many repeated photo opportunities.


Senior Member
Proof of multiple J-20 Mighty Dragons


There are two J-20 Mighty Dragons in the center of the picture. It looks like we have definitive proof that there are multiple J-20s.

[Note: Thank you to SiegeCrossbow for the post.]



[Note: Thank you to HouShanghai for the picture.]
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