J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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VIP Professional
can we conclude the weapon bay doors go a bit past the back end edge of the main landing gear doors? it sure looks like that from all these pictures. they protrude some 10-20 cm, its hard to tell precisely.


Junior Member
People read too much into the "somebody visit China, and China 'show off' things" stuff.

And to those members who can read Chinese - please don't look for anything other than plain pictures, at that mil.new.sina website. Pick a random military picture shot by TRUE Chinese military fans, it have a good chance having this watermark saying "禁止新浪,&&,××,##,转载" (not authorized to be used in any means at sina, &&, ##, and few other toilet sites).
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Staff member
Super Moderator
can we conclude the weapon bay doors go a bit past the back end edge of the main landing gear doors? it sure looks like that from all these pictures. they protrude some 10-20 cm, its hard to tell precisely.

That is, unfortunately, wishful thinking. We have high def photos of the J-20's underside and it is obvious that the weapons bays don't extend past the landing gears.
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