J-20 makes another flight test... Also it opens up it's weapon bay before take off, on the day Biden visits Szechuan.
Can someone posted the photos for sharing? I found one link at . My iPhone couldn't upload.
I have a question-these types of tests during diplomatic meetings seems to be a habbit now. But what is the point of it? Most of us over here don't really understand it. Is it some type of message? Some folks here think it's the PLA undercutting the foreign ministry. Is there any truth to this?
I have a question-these types of tests during diplomatic meetings seems to be a habbit now. But what is the point of it? Most of us over here don't really understand it. Is it some type of message? Some folks here think it's the PLA undercutting the foreign ministry. Is there any truth to this?
Huzhigeng said that the J-20 is 20.3 meters long from nose to tail and has a wingspan of 13.4 meters.
You can't just assume they will have the same wheel size or cockpit size. Engine size might be a good starting point, but they're small enough so that a small variation of measurement can create large errors.Huzhigeng's estimate is consistent with my upper-limit estimate from months ago.
China J-20 Mighty Dragon is roughly the size of a Su-27
The wheels on the J-20 and Su-27 are about the same size. Same thing for length of cockpit, size of pilots' heads, size of pilot helmets, and engine size.
J-20 Mighty Dragon and Su-27 comparison
[Note: Thank you to "MIG-23MLD" for the picture.]
Pixel-by-pixel analysis confirms China J-20 Mighty Dragon is the size of a Su-27UB
You are quite right, I examine the picture pixel by pixel - everything seems to line up almost perfectly, EXCEPT the pilot's head - either Chinese pilot's head is enormous (its about 130% larger) or the J-20 is smaller.
For some reason, J-20 looks closer to the camera hence the pilot looks larger. If you scale it down slightly, I think it might even be smaller than F-22 or PAK FA.
Also Su-27UB is 21.9 m long, from tip of the nose to the end of the boom, even measuring against that J-20 is shorter by quite a bit.
[Note: Thank you to "Asymptote" for the post and analysis.]
You can't just assume they will have the same wheel size or cockpit size. Engine size might be a good starting point, but they're small enough so that a small variation of measurement can create large errors.