J-20... The New Generation Fighter II

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Senior Member
When a troll posts something ridiculous, put him into the penalty box. Ignore him.

Asymptote is such as tireless troll? How does the J-20 compare to the Iranian trainer? The Japanese have just a mockup thus far.

When a troll posts something ridiculous for the first time, ignore all of their posts for a week; next time, one month; third time, ignore their garbage permanently. Otherwise, the thread will become cluttered and an intelligent discussion cannot occur.

I refuse to reply to a ridiculous comparison of China's J-20 stealth fighter and an Iranian trainer. The troll wants us to chase our own tail, that's not going to happen. China's J-20 is the next evolutionary step to the J-10 Vigorous Dragon, which first flew over 13 years ago. To compare a serious stealth fighter jet to a trainer is absurd. The poster is consigned to my ignore list, because he's wasting my time.

Similarly, everyone recognizes that comparing a flying J-20 stealth fighter to a Japanese mock-up is an insult to all of our intelligence. More waste of our time. The poster is really trying our patience and I suggest that we all ignore his provocations for at least two weeks. If someone posts something ridiculous, I treat it like the garbage that it is and don't bother reading it.
Re: When a troll posts something ridiculous, put him into the penalty box. Ignore him

When a troll posts something ridiculous for the first time, ignore all of their posts for a week; next time, one month; third time, ignore their garbage permanently. Otherwise, the thread will become cluttered and an intelligent discussion cannot occur.

I refuse to reply to a ridiculous comparison of China's J-20 stealth fighter and an Iranian trainer. The troll wants us to chase our own tail, that's not going to happen. China's J-20 is the next evolutionary step to the J-10 Vigorous Dragon, which first flew over 13 years ago. To compare a serious stealth fighter jet to a trainer is absurd. The poster is consigned to my ignore list, because he's wasting my time.

Similarly, everyone recognizes that comparing a flying J-20 stealth fighter to a Japanese mock-up is an insult to all of our intelligence. More waste of our time. The poster is really trying our patience and I suggest that we all ignore his provocations for at least two weeks. If someone posts something ridiculous, I treat it like the garbage that it is and don't bother reading it.

time to use that report button too


Senior Member
Report a troll and the nonsense might stop

time to use that report button too

Thank you for pointing out the report button. I just reported the troll's post #936.

I am a member of six different forums (including an Indian one), no one has made the absurd comparison to an Iranian trainer.

My complaint is the same as yours:

"A ridiculous comparison of China's flying J-20 stealth fighter to an Iranian trainer and Japanese mock-up. Does not belong in a discussion on a professional forum."
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Asymptote is such as tireless troll? How does the J-20 compare to the Iranian trainer? The Japanese have just a mockup thus far.

Exactly!! I'm tired of it..Asymptote you shall now receive a free two week holiday away from SDF at no cost to you! Check your email/PM for further details!

bd popeye super moderator
The comparison should not be made alone on the basis of what the silent eagle concept can do, but rather on what options the countries (to which it is being pitched) have?

What other options are out their for the countries looking to upgrade their fleet? For west leaning nations like south Korea, japan etc, the Russian aircraft are complete non-starters. That leaves the F-35 as the only stealth option out there. And if a country is not a partner in that program that ...well its the Boeing plane or nothing. And no matter how many concepts japan and South Korea display, they have no proven capability of designing airplanes.

So for nations desperate to counter russian/indian/chinese next generation planes and not having access to F-35 there are not that many options.

Thats also true. However your argument is valid so long it respects the rules in military science, rationality, and game theories, that the Silent Eagles will serve as effective force multipliers against the desired enemy of its choice, while the opfor have ineffective counterstrategies against the SEs. This is why J-20 is speculated to be such a big hit in USAF's books of strategies and operations. Everything prior to the introduction to J-20 were written in the absence of any competitive deterrants to the F-22, thus almost ensuring F-22 to be remain unchallenged. However now that the J-20 undermines that luxury the F-22 used to enjoy, they have to update and plug a very important new variable into their equations. Anyways the same goes for F-15SE. It is basically a very washed down version of the F-22, or F-22 wannabe. The SEs were the most reasonable and viable upgrades to the air force for nations so long the simulated rival don't have effect deterrants against them. This means SAM and AA threat. For nations who don't consider tier 1 powers as their threat, the F-15SEs maybe effective because they won't face considerable AA and SAM threat. This means countries like Saudi and Israel. However for nations like SK and Japan, if their hypothesized opfor were to be PRC, then they are sure to be buying experience ducks for J-20 to play target practice. It's expected that J-20, in the line of battle, will be out to hunt down threats to the J-10s and J-11s so to ensure a safe passage. With that said, wannabes like F-15SE are the receiving end. Therefore F-15SE is not really a worthwhile investment for the Eastern Blocs if their strategies include opposing the J-20 or to stray into NK airspace. On the contrary, if for self defense measures against invading NK forces(provided that NK wants to fly its jets into Japan for some unknown reasons), then the SEs are good for knocking them out of the skies. Even then, normal F-15s with its AESA can do the job already.
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Hey guys, I just read an article from aviationweek (might be old news to you guys) but it provide some insight (at least to me) about stealth aircraft (particularly the J-20),

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Anti-stealth and stealth detection technologies will bring into question all stealth designs, including China’s new J-20. How much invulnerability will current low-observability techniques retain as air defense systems adopt even larger and more powerful active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radars?

Airborne detection of stealth aircraft may already be an operational capability. Raytheon’s family of X-band airborne AESA radar family (in particular those on upgraded F-15Cs stationed in Okinawa) can detect small, low-signature cruise missiles. Moreover, Northrop Grumman’s lower-frequency, L-band AESA radar on Australia’s Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft is larger and potentially more capable of detecting stealth aircraft at longer ranges.

Better images emerging from China point clearly to the J-20’s use of stealth technology, but there are still major uncertainties and unanswered questions.

The overall shape resembles that of the F-35 and F-22, with a single “chine line” uniting the forebody, upper inlet lips and wing and canard edges, a curved surface above that line and flat, canted body surfaces below it. The wing and canard edges are aligned – the wing and canard leading edges are parallel and the trailing edge of the canard is aligned with the opposite wing trailing edge. The same basic philosophy has also been adopted in British, Swedish and Japanese studies for stealth fighters.

The aim in all cases is to endow a practical, agile fighter configuration with a “bow-tie” radar signature, with the smallest signature around the nose and the greatest (still much lower than that of a conventional aircraft with curved or vertical-slab sides) to the side. The fighter’s mission planning system, using a database of known radar locations, then derives a “blue line” track that weaves between radars and avoids exposing the side-on signature to those radars more than transiently.

The diverterless supersonic inlet avoids a signature problem caused by a conventional boundary layer diverter plate – the F-22 has a conventional inlet, which is likely to require extensive radar absorbent material (RAM) treatment.

The biggest uncertainty about the design concerns the engine exhausts, which as seen on the prototype are likely to cause a radar cross-section (RCS) peak from the rear aspect. One possibility is that a stealthier two-dimensional nozzle will be integrated later in the program: however, the nozzles on the current aircraft show some signs of RCS-reducing saw-tooth treatment, suggesting that the PLA has accepted a rear-aspect RCS penalty rather than the much greater weight and complexity of 2-D nozzles.

Other details of the design are unknowns. Stealth development has been dogged by detail design challenges. All the antennas on the aircraft have to be flush with the skin and covered with surfaces that retain stealth properties while being transparent in a specific frequency. Maintainability becomes a complex trade-off: some systems requiring frequent attention will be accessed via landing gear and weapon bays, and others by latched and actuated doors that can opened and closed without affecting RCS, but the latter are a heavy solution.

Perhaps the toughest challenge in stealth design is the need to manage RF surface currents over the skin. Early stealth designs used heavy, maintenance intensive RAM. The F-22 introduced a much lighter surface treatment, but it has proven unexpectedly difficult to maintain, causing corrosion issues. Lockheed Martin now claims that the F-35 will be robust and affordable to maintain in service, with a combination of a high-toughness sprayed-on topcoat and a conductive layer cured into composite skin panels.

The Chengdu J-20 design has struck many analysts and observers as familiar and somewhat different that the Lockheed-Martin F-22, F-35 or the Sukhoi T-50.

“The J-20 is reminiscent of the Russian MiG 1.42 both in terms of planform, and also with regard to the rear fuselage configuration,” says Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies. “The most obvious difference is the greater forward fuselage shaping as the basis for low observable characteristics, along with the different engine intake configuration. The MiG program was cancelled by the Russian government around 1997.” However, the similarity to the MiG concept may suggest some collusion with the Russian aviation industry.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Just a little aside the weather at Chengdu is horrible right now. According to the residents you either have really windy days or snowy days. I don't think we'll see any more test flights at Chengdu until the Chinese New Years are over (to be fair all the workers at CAC deserves a great vacation).


Senior Member
RCS is independent of the emitting radar power

MiG-23MLD said:
interesting but would not each different radar achieve a different RCS? i mean a more powerful iluminating power will recieve a larger RCS?

No, RCS is almost like an intrinsic property and independent of the emitting radar power. As an analogy, it doesn't matter whether you use a very powerful flashlight to shine on a pencil resting on a table. The cross-sectional area of the pencil does not change.

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"While important in detecting targets, strength of emitter and distance are not factors that affect the calculation of a RCS because the RCS is (approximately) only a property of the target."
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