I still think it *may* be just for the look....
China is still lagging pretty far behind to the industrialized world in so many aspects.
The J-20 shows they know how to make airframe to "look stealthy" now, we still don't know exactly how stealthy it is, or how combat effective is its stealth (Does it get wash off?!
there are many posters here who seems to think the stealth RAM paint get wash off F-22 easily...if the high tech F-22 can get their RAM Paint wash off so easily, what chance does China have to make water resistant RAM paint??). With China's industrial prowess, I think the manufacturing are still largely by hand - (QBZ-95's designer complained that he had to account for the manual production method that plagued the accuracy of QBZ-95 - of course, this is a conjuncture).
I will quote from a very well sourced analysis (if you are reading this,
THANKS quellish !)
"...........At the higher bands, small things matter. In "Skunk Works", Ben Rich told a story of a HAVE BLUE (F-117 prototype) test flight that was ruined by a loose access screw. The screw was not tightened completely flush with the aircraft surface and produced a bright radar return during the test. Higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths, making small imperfections like Rich's screw appear visible when to a low frequency radar they would not be. Modern fighter radars use these high frequencies, as do a number of SAM/AAA systems. For example, the US APG-66 radar from the F-16 operates in the "I" band, which has a wavelength between 1 and 1.5 inches. US stealth aircraft (such as the F-22) tend to optimize for these frequencies because many adversary radars use them. To do so requires a level of attention to detail in design, construction, and operation that historically the US and Western nations have excelled at. Very precise manufacturing and quality control is required throughout the lifetime of the system, especially when it comes to the fabrication and application of absorbing coatings."
"In contrast, the J-20 is very different at these frequencies. Even a cursory examination of the available photographs reveals major surface disruptions that would appear very bright to a modern high frequency radar. Access panels, cavities, and vents are visible which could not be eliminated or controlled without significant design changes. It is entirely possible that the PLA knows that the level of quality control necessary for a significant signature reduction in the higher frequencies used by modern air to air radars is out of their reach, and designed around that."
".....Clearly, though, there are some attempts made at signature reduction. There are features on the lower half of the aircraft that appear intended to reduce the radar signature of the vehicle. Some access panels and doors have serrated edges to scatter edge returns and eddy currents. Landing gear and weapons bay doors may have hydraulic assists to ensure a very tight seal. Many of the surface disruptions seen on the upper half of the aircraft are not present on the underside.
"The sizing of some of these features matters. With even an imprecise measure of the size of some of these features it is clear that they were intended to mask the aircraft from lower frequency radars, and from a narrow range of aspect angles."
"......Clearly the J-20 is not optimized for a reduced signature in the high frequency bands. Lower frequency radars have a longer wavelength. For example, the "F" band radar of the AN/SPY-1D used on the AEGIS system has a wavelength between 3 and 4 inches. That may not sound like much, but when you are building an aircraft it can be a lot. Curiously, there are very few disruptions on the underside of the J-20 that are larger than about 4 inches. Features that might appear "bright" to radars in the C,E, and F bands appear to have been treated to signature reduction measures. If the J-20 were approaching an F-band radar head on from 30,000 feet or more, the radar might see only a very tailored reflection looking back."
Again, I am not a hater, please don't label me as such. I am just trying inject realism to this discussion. I have never intend to bash China.