Official article on J-20 pilots based in Henan from the official PLA Newspaper.
Some interesting exerpts:
1) Flying a J-20 does not make you invincible in DACT. You may get early lock on your opponent but if you don't follow up properly they still can escape and sometimes bite back.
2) PL-15 appear pretty deadly, able to achieve two kills with two missiles despite only one J-20 pilot remaining during the mock engagement. Advanced radar/data linking and proper pilot execution allowed for simultaneous lock/kill of two maneuvering fighters.
3) PLAAF pilots are creative and constantly innovate in new tactics in order to defeat their opponents, even their mentor/leader.
4) Data linking allows PLAAF fighter aircraft to precisely target ground based enemy assets even when said aircraft's sensors are incapacitated by EW.
Some interesting exerpts:
Important summary:天空还是那片天空,思想一变,天地更加宽广。不久前的一次对地攻击演练,薛军田被对手释放强干扰,啥也看不见。千钧一发之时,徒弟们默契助攻,精准提供目标的坐标方位,引导他一击命中。
1) Flying a J-20 does not make you invincible in DACT. You may get early lock on your opponent but if you don't follow up properly they still can escape and sometimes bite back.
2) PL-15 appear pretty deadly, able to achieve two kills with two missiles despite only one J-20 pilot remaining during the mock engagement. Advanced radar/data linking and proper pilot execution allowed for simultaneous lock/kill of two maneuvering fighters.
3) PLAAF pilots are creative and constantly innovate in new tactics in order to defeat their opponents, even their mentor/leader.
4) Data linking allows PLAAF fighter aircraft to precisely target ground based enemy assets even when said aircraft's sensors are incapacitated by EW.