Notice the canard was twitching for constant adjustment. I guess it's within +-5° for RCS mitigation.Filming J-20 from inside the Y-20:
Notice the canard was twitching for constant adjustment. I guess it's within +-5° for RCS mitigation.
Don't know how often the adjustment is under higher speed cruising, my guess it will be less
yes, in fact, this is a pretty common issue for a lot of aircrafts, including F-22 and F-35, during the development of X-35, front edge of dsi intake and wings were partially redesign to redirect the vortex in order to ease the impact, but this issue remains in F-35, so Lockhead had to reenforce the tail design to make sure they won't crack like f-18.
The escorting J-20s were taking off from Yuhong AB(on the western outskirt of Shenyang city), home base of the 46th and 47th Regiments, 16th Surveillance Aircraft Division.
J-20 under the shelter/hangar at the northern end of the AB
View attachment 97671
Could there be four J-20s for this event?
View attachment 97672
Note these shelters/hangars at northern side of the airbase are for the Y-8/9 type surveillance aircraft
View attachment 97673
A backup J-20?
A "Rapid Raptor" style deployment?
View attachment 97674
I have never seen j20 turns that fast. Not sure if the video is accelerated?
3:02> looks nuts. How does it even work?
I have never seen j20 turns that fast. Not sure if the video is accelerated?