Many reasons J31 much more important than J21.
Looks like China screwed up again.
Oh well so there's nothing to fear for these evil Western forces
Many reasons J31 much more important than J21.
Looks like China screwed up again.
And you know the design parameters of j20? Beacuse flying overland is different than water? You assume j20 can't patrol SCS.I am afraid j20 mission has no action other than training and sitting to rust due to US has no interest in mainland airspace.
Please don't use what you believe as a gauge on how airplanes are designed and used. Like I said earlier, j20 meet and exceeded the parameters set out in the original design specifications.I believe j20 wont venture out. They will keep it strictly inland afraid of being exposed.
There no indication they will plan to use it outside of mainland.
Pls read my post carefully.
I clearly said China chief adversary US is much more interested in South China Sea not mainland. US situation is different