If the bar of being an insider means you don't need to be either accurate or provide any insights or be "predictive", all you need to be is just loosely close, then what gives him more credibility in his worlds than any other person who closely follows Chinese military subjects, in this case, J-20. More Fanboys defending you???
Let's assume CAC could reach 3 J-20 per month, then from now to the end of the year: 4x3 =12, which means 1/4~1/5 of total differences! That's not even an error could cover. As I said, it's easy to guess the number 60 by the end of this year, but to predict, in "PUPU"'s words "it must be at least 60" by NOW, is certainly courageous. That's a 20-25% error!
Honest speaking, people like you and me changed our words in a matter like this completely fine, as neither of us is regarding as a "credible source", so our words are open for discussion. But people like PUPU, out of what reason, decided to change his words after people start to question that number and challenge his statement. His fanboy still defends him and smear other people's credibility by saying things like:
Seriously? creditable source? like this?
If we still think SDF is a non-boy site than at least let's discuss rationally here. Whether a word is credible should definitely not be judged only by his name. Especially from a certain name that has already be ruined for like 10 years!
If you wanted to criticize the credibility of Pupu specifically, that is fine.
However, writing things like, this below, was far below the level of serious criticism that we would expect here as well including for if you wanted to criticize Pupu's credibility:
he is wrong 99% of the time, a great part of his word is simply fanboy languages, again rumor suggested he is just working for a SAC subcontractor.
So don't be surprised if people reacted poorly to you given your own posts itself have hardly been convincing, because the phrasing of your criticisms and frankly some of the logic of your arguments are no better than the fanboys you claim of.
As for the degree of "error" we are willing to tolerate -- yes, there is always going to be error and the concreteness of numbers and dates especially is always going to have a degree of fluidity.
But there is a difference between your position where you are essentially arguing that "his numbers and statements are rubbish and we shouldn't bother listening to him about anything" versus "let's keep this number in mind, it can be potentially close and the fact that it's come from someone who has has a respected reputation means it is something we should keep an eye on".