J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


Lieutenant General
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Fighter's X-band fire control radars are more accurate than L or UHF band AWACS radars, especially in elevation (in azimuth the AWACS radar's much larger aperture can also achieve very high accuracy).
Not more accurate but more precise. But yes, awacs radar probably not good enough for missiles searching for lo targets
No. I'm asking the purpose of turning on a fighter's radar if it's range is already enveloped by an AWACS unit far behind it, in a defensive role. Let's say J-20's radar range is 350km, but a 100km behind it is a KJ-2000 with 470km radar range. In that situation, what is the benefit of turning on the J-20's radar? Is it able to do something that the AWACS cannot?

When thinking about the optimal doctrine for operating AWACs and stealth fighters, keep in mind a few facts:
  1. AWACs are a more valuable, scarcer, and more expensive resource than stealth fighters
  2. Maximum detection range against stealth targets are greatly reduced.
  3. AWACs are not stealthy and an AWACs would be detected at far greater ranges than a stealth fighter.
  4. Operating a single radar for a continuous period of time greatly increases the chance that the enemy will be able to a fix on the position of your radar.
  5. Operating LPI radars for short periods of time greatly minimizes the chance that the enemy will be able to get a fix on your position of your emitters.


A J-20 pilot wearing HMD.

Edit: Certain cockpit features seem odd, such as the placement of the explosive cord and the color of the canopy brace. I wonder if this is a J-20 after all, but I can't think of another fighter. Maybe this is one of the early prototypes

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Lieutenant General
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You sure it is not a screenshot of the Born to Fly movie?

To confirm that, one would have had to subject themselves to have watched that film.

Regardless of whether the aircraft itself is real, the HMD in question does look fully consistent with what we know the J-20 HMD looks like, so even if it is from that movie, it could be the real article used for filming purposes.



Registered Member
A J-20 pilot wearing HMD.

Edit: Certain cockpit features seem odd, such as the placement of the explosive cord and the color of the canopy brace. I wonder if this is a J-20 after all, but I can't think of another fighter. Maybe this is one of the early prototypes

It looks the same from the movie, see the movie poster (white inner frame and the explosion cord). It is wierd though, since the rest of the aircraft looks identical to real J-20, why did the producer modified the appereance of the canopy?


After looking at the 20S, I am wonderring if there is explosion cord at the edge of the canopy. Maybe CAC is doing some changes to J-20 and the movie maker got a newly produced one with the change.
20S canopy.jpg
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