J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


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I dind't know that about the J-10C before (or probably have forgetten about it). Could you provide a reputable source?

AVIC promotional poster from a year or two years ago. I’m currently in a bit of a midlife crisis so I don’t have the energy to dig it up.

As per the questions above, they were talking about genuine supercruise where an aircraft is able to achieve supersonic speeds without afterburners in any capacity and for a sustained period, specifically whether the WS-15 powered J-20A can do so, and naturally the reasonable answer is yes.

Whether J-20 with Al-31/WS-10 is able to do "cheating" supercruise or not... who knows, but it is also irrelevant to the question and it's probably better to not even bring it up in context of what they asked.
The fake supercruise still has tactical ramifications and given the aspect ratio on the J-20 it more likely than not could do the fake supercruise. Stealth aircraft normally don’t carry external store so drag will be very low.


I think this is a launch from the side bay.



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As per the questions above, they were talking about genuine supercruise where an aircraft is able to achieve supersonic speeds without afterburners in any capacity and for a sustained period, specifically whether the WS-15 powered J-20A can do so, and naturally the reasonable answer is yes.
What about J20A super-cruise speed? Higher than Mach 1.5?


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What about J20A super-cruise speed? Higher than Mach 1.5?
Impossible to know but gaining speed after Mach 1 is relatively easy because of lower drag coefficient.
The Euro fighter can hit mach 1.5 with 2x 60KN dry trust, the reported trust figures for the WS-15 is all over the place but if we take the Wikipedia number of 107KN that would be 78% higher trust.
The J20 is of course much larger but being a long sleak design my guess is that it do not have 78% more drag then a Euro fighter.



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Impossible to know but gaining speed after Mach 1 is relatively easy because of lower drag coefficient.
The Euro fighter can hit mach 1.5 with 2x 60KN dry trust, the reported trust figures for the WS-15 is all over the place but if we take the Wikipedia number of 107KN that would be 78% higher trust.
The J20 is of course much larger but being a long sleak design my guess is that it do not have 78% more drag then a Euro fighter.

So Mach 1.8 is reasonable by logic? I saw comment on F16.net saying 1.8


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So Mach 1.8 is reasonable by logic? I saw comment on F16.net saying 1.8
J20A is likely to be able to reach some mach in the 2 range, like somewhere between say ~2.2 to 2.8 (likely with afterburners).

As max without afterburners? We don't know, but I don't think it would be wrong guess at a number above 1.5.