J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


Lieutenant General
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I don't think we need to do a forensics assessment of every recent article from every military figure that has made a comment about J-20. For this specific TWZ article, we've already essentially reached a conclusion so there's no reason to talk about it further or to go on further tangents and dig things up from the past.

Further posts will be deleted.


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One thing I don’t know if we’ve commented on is that Yankee did a podcast a while back where he talked about J-20’s development process and stated that the J-20S is not a dedicated drone controlling aircraft, nor a dedicated trainer. Could it do those things? Yes. But the primary purpose is to provide a canvas for CAC to test out all their crazy ideas without worrying about deadlines. It is the closest China has to an X-plane, functionally speaking. A lot of the tech developed will not only go in to J-20B but also the Sixth gen.


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Upscaled versions of previously shared images.

It's the first time I see 72x2x planes.


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TBH what is he expected to say? "Sorry, but our guys don't stand a chance against this beastie"?

Also, it never ceases to amaze me why some Merkins think it's a some kind of burn to say China "stole" their technology. I say, well done China's spies, you saved your country tens or hundreds of billions of $$ in development costs! It also suggests China is at least on a par with US tech. Anyway, most military technology is "stolen" somewhere down the line, I don't think there's a rule of war requiring one side not to use equipment it copied or captured from the other!

Taking the comment on its own terms:

"I don’t think that it’s a dominating aircraft at this point, compared to what we have [in terms of stealthy
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I'm not aware of any PLAAF claim that J20 would "dominate" F22/F35, it would probably stand a pretty good chance against them though, which is why the General went on to talk about training, integration, allies, etc. Also the Chief of all USAF (not just PACAF) said that the early block F22s were being retired at least in part because they weren't competitive with J20.

Anyway, "not dominant" is a fairer assessment than the "semi-stealth" sort of assessments we've seen in the past. And "at this point" means there is potential for J20 to become a "dominating aircraft" in the future (maybe pretty soon with WS15 and other imporvements).

PS: Winner of TWZ comments section: "Our technology is the best. Their technology, that they stole from us, sucks."

Not sure why people are reacting so much to this article aimed at calming down an agitated domestic audience.

What it really conveys is, that just under the surface, their readers are experiencing an overwhelming sense of "we're beginning to get scared shitless of China, and this plane reminds us of Huawei"


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According to a recent podcast by Yankeesama, he believes that it is highly likely that J-20 participated in the recent exercise on September 13th especially considering the magnitude of the force involved. We don’t know for sure if Shandong played the role of the aggressor or if it was a join Air Force Naval exercise.
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The point is: it is clear from the planned Upgrade renderings of the F22 (external pods, etc.) that 1: either they want contract money or 2: the F22, as we have been saying over and over again for years, is NO LONGER that dominant wonder of the skies as it was 20 years ago. Because the competition has grown and there are several suitors. So the real RCS (average, Russian calculation) is not 0.00000000000000001, etc etc. The flaws and limitations, if you have competition always come out.