J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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Registered Member
No way. There are much more freedoms in China than in the US. In China, you can drink alcohol at any age; in the US, you can serve in the military and kill people at 18 but alcohol is for when you're 21. In China, as an employer, you can hire/fire people for any reason you want because it's your money and your business; in the US, you have to worry about 26 different kinds of discrimination and how you might be sued. In China, during an argument, you may use any kind of curse or slang to attack someone; in the US even some words are taboo to call other people, which is truly no freedom of speech. In China, if a police officer issues you a citation but you have an explanation for why you did what you did, you have the freedom to explain and argue with him; in the US, he'll tell you to tell it to the judge (which is a full day off work for you to go to court even if you did nothing wrong) and if you take it any further, you will likely be arrested or beaten (less likely if you're white and upper class though).

These freedoms are the ones that matter to my life and the lives of most people, not the "freedom" to protest, which, actually, doesn't truly exist in either country. In China, you may protest only in designated areas where your activities do not disrupt the activities of others; in the US, you can protest as long as it doesn't have any effect, otherwise, it can end with you getting a taste of their hydro-cannon in subzero temperatures if it interferes with oil pipeline construction (Keyestone).

Yes in many ways a person in China does have more freedoms like the ones you mentioned. But if we're talking about purely political freedoms, it is the nature of PRC's authoritarianism to limit personal political freedoms for what is considered as the common good. This is complex and hard to debate ie everyone can make good points, personal biases and values come into play. It is also off topic and I shouldn't have responded initially. I just thought a blanket statement saying that China has more freedom than USA is taking things too far.


Happy Chinese New Year!

(1425 x 950)

(1600x1067) A bit bigger and clearer than the version previously posted.


Lieutenant General
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Yes, ... the one with the grey colour on the intake is 2021, then we have that completely yellow one and we also know one or more with brown colour on the DSI-bump.


Junior Member
I wish the "big shrimps" and other experts would talk about why they went with canards so far away from the nose in combination with the large strakes. It's a rather messy design - compared to Russian and Western aircraft designs.

Would love to read a good reasoning why Chengdu went with the various design decisions.


I wish the "big shrimps" and other experts would talk about why they went with canards so far away from the nose in combination with the large strakes. It's a rather messy design - compared to Russian and Western aircraft designs.

Would love to read a good reasoning why Chengdu went with the various design decisions.
...We have the original design translated to English. It’s there if you look for it.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I wish the "big shrimps" and other experts would talk about why they went with canards so far away from the nose in combination with the large strakes. It's a rather messy design - compared to Russian and Western aircraft designs.

Would love to read a good reasoning why Chengdu went with the various design decisions.

Well, according to Dr. Song, the "distant coupled canards" enabled him to achieve a very high "pitch rate" without resorting to OVT, it also allowed him to guarantee a J-20 that had been "departed" could recover from "post stall maneuvering without OVT...

in addition the "distant coupled, long throw canards" provide additional lift at a far forward station, moving the center of lift forward, as canards add to the total lift, rather than taking away from that value as traditional aft mounted horizontal stabs and elevators would.

as I've mentioned before, while the J-20 has "borrowed" design elements from many different aircraft? the J-20 is a "distinctly Chinese configuration" dispelling once and for all the myth that China does NOT have the capability to independently design, build, and fly their own aircraft.

as such the J-20 has brought honor and fame to its designers, it operators, the PLAAF, and the Nation, it is a source of National pride and honor, and honor has always been an extremely important value in Chinese culture, sadly Honor is less important to younger Chinese, just as it seems less important in the US culture, honor is NO longer a given!

anyway, back on topic, the Chendu J-20 has become a cultural ICON within China, and a source of immense pride to Chinese living abroad,one of the reasons folks are crazy about the J-20,, telling folks it has a 15 ton empty weight, telling them it Will super cruise, and most recently, insisting on a NAVAL VERSION of J-20???
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