J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread V

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The way he talks about the advanced sensor and the data fusion that allow him to have much more situational awareness, almost sounds like how F-35 pilots describe their planes.


The way he talks about the advanced sensor and the data fusion that allow him to have much more situational awareness, almost sounds like how F-35 pilots describe their planes.

It's exactly how F-35 pilots describe their planes. But even better, the pilot says the J-20 has unparalleled manoeuvrability over 4th-gen fighters whereas F-35 pilots can, at most, say their aircraft doesn't lose to 4th-gen fighters' manoeuvrability.


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If I am not mistaken, ground images (from those many windows on the fuselage) can be projected to the visor of the helmet, right?

No one knows, but I know F-35 can do this, there is camera all over the plane, the pilot turns his head and he sees outside.

That is another reason F-35 don't have HUD, but since J-20 have HUD so I think F-35 sensor maybe a bit more advanced.


Lieutenant General
No one knows, but I know F-35 can do this, there is camera all over the plane, the pilot turns his head and he sees outside.

That is another reason F-35 don't have HUD, but since J-20 have HUD so I think F-35 sensor maybe a bit more advanced.

The F35 doesn't have an HUD because it's HMD is supposed to project the same information as a HUD would no matter where the pilot is looking. It's not about the sensors, but rather how best to display sensor information.

The problem with current modern HMDs is that all the models tested or fielded are all too heavy.

There have been multiple studies of the effect of HMD on pilots, which all showed increased neck pain during or shortly after flight, and increased neck injury rates from ejections.

Thus far, it appears the Chinese are preferring to have HMS to cue off bore-sight AAMs, without all the advanced display functionality preferred by western HMDs to keep weight down.

The Chinese do have serviceable domestic HMDs available, and the PLAAF would have done extensively tests on them, and probably have a good number stocked. But they are either limiting the amount of time pilots wear them in flight to manage the risks of neck injury and/or decided to keep those HMDs under wraps.


Registered Member
No one knows, but I know F-35 can do this, there is camera all over the plane, the pilot turns his head and he sees outside.

That is another reason F-35 don't have HUD, but since J-20 have HUD so I think F-35 sensor maybe a bit more advanced.
true, while my question was specifically aimed to get confirmation regarding the picture 40998 by RickHunter that seems to depict a seemingly ground image on the visor.

I guess J-20 does not take the more fancy but problematic approach of F-35 namely image merging of 360 degree view. J-20 could be just project and switch between those images manually.
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