Guys, is it true that thrust vectoring would cause the useful lifespan of the engine noozles to damage easily?
I don't have any real inside knowledge, Eng has reminded us that they are expensive, heavy, and felt the J-20 would NOT have them initially, and likely never. They do require much more maintenance, money etc, and while I was a huge fan of OVT, I have tempered my enthusiasm. It can be a game changer, it obviously helped the Indians against the UK in the recent Phoon VS Flanker WVR engagements, as in those "set-ups", it allows you to "slew or steer" your nose for a firing solution, if you miss?? it also "sets you up" as slow and the only place your nose can go is down? the bad guy knows that?
Yes, they do have a shorter lifespan overall, but they have been a game changer for the F-22, but as the J-20, the F-22 is also a very smart airplane.