Yea I got tires of pointing out all the hilarities in his post. I think he even said something like supercruise gice
Supercruise gives you 100% invisibility
did you get your 5 minutes of fame?
What i meant and you try to pervert was this:
You have two fighters, two stealth fighters, fighter A supercruises, fighter B it does not supercruise,
Stealth is no invisibility, but reduced signature, suppose you have better radar on fighter B, since missiles have ranges, you have to fire them preferably on a head on trajectory, it means fighter A is closing fighter B head on.
Fighter A flies at 2000 km/h, fighter B at 900km/h, when fighter A fires its missiles, it fires them at higher speeds.
The missiles have more chances to hit a slow moving target, so the supercruising jet will dodge the missiles fire at it as the MiG-25s did when the F-15 fire at them AIM-7s, but a slow moving target has to get closer to get its missiles nearer the intended target.
So the slower stealth fighter actually needs to get closer so it means it will be detected easier, the faster fighter can get closer and it can escape quicly without actually exposing itself as much as the slow moving fighter.
So i will put it, simple do i believe the Chinese General when he said J-20 has the same BVR capability of F-22? no way, F-22 supercruises at 2000 km/h, so it has stealth in supercruise capability, why? by flying faster it will expose it self less than J-20, it will exit the missiles no escape zone faster and since it has TVC nozzles its rear stabs will be used less, having no ventral fins, has a cleaner bottom, having flat nozzles a lower IR signature, and at supercruise its IR signature is smaller than a J-20 trying to escape or chase the F-22 at full afterburner, so you like it or not, western analysis are correct, F-22 remains king.
So i do not believe the Chinese propaganda it will be equal to the F-22 at BVR